ROIT model mapper makes it easy to convert any object or JSON to the model
ROIT model mapper
ROIT model mapper makes it easy to convert any object or JSON to the model
Configure tsconfig
Add in file tsconfig.json attributes "experimentalDecorators" and "emitDecoratorMetadata"
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
Convert any object to model
import { ModelMapper, JsonProperty } from "@roit/roit-model-mapper";
* Important: in the class all attributes must be initialized either with value or undefined, otherwise Mapper will not fill the attribute
// Models
export class Company {
name: string = undefined
identity: string = undefined
@JsonProperty({ clazz: Address })
address: Address = undefined
export class Address {
country: string = undefined
city: string = undefined
streetAddress: string = undefined
let anyCompany = {
name: "Company 1 SM inc",
identity: "58.413.609/0001-72",
address: {
'street_address': 'R Argentina',
city: 'Curitiba',
country: 'Brasil'
* ModelMapper
* 1. Accept a simple object
* 2. Accept array and return array
* 3. Accept JSON string
// Param 1: Model class, Param 2: any object, list or JSON string
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, anyCompany)
// Output
Company {
name: 'Company 1 SM inc',
identity: '58.413.609/0001-72',
Address {
country: 'Brasil',
city: 'Curitiba',
streetAddress: 'R Argentina' } }
Decorator JsonProperty
It has the purpose of informing some specific configuration for the attribute
import { JsonProperty } from '@roit/roit-model-mapper';
// Mapper find in JSON or any object the property with name "street_address" and set value in "streetAddress"
streetAddress: string = undefined
// Indicates the model class for Mapper initialize
@JsonProperty({ clazz: Address })
address: Address = undefined
// Finding attributes in class root for inicialize address
@JsonProperty({ linear: true })
address: Address = undefined
// Example
// Attributes linear
let anyCompany = {
name: "Company 1 SM inc",
identity: "58.413.609/0001-72",
street_address: 'R Argentina',
city: 'Curitiba',
country: 'Brasil'
// Mark property linear
@JsonProperty({ linear: true })
address: Address = undefined
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, anyCompany)
// Output
Company {
name: 'Company 1 SM inc',
identity: '58.413.609/0001-72',
Address {
country: 'Brasil',
city: 'Curitiba',
streetAddress: 'R Argentina' } }
Options for mapping the model
import { ObjectMapperOptions } from '@roit/roit-model-mapper';
// SingleResult: return alwaeys a object
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, jsonObjectList, { singleResult: true })
// CompareWithAttributesLowerCase: compare attributes the JSON and Model in LowerCase
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, jsonObjectList, { compareWithAttributesLowerCase: true })
// NormalizeString: remove white spaces in strings
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, jsonObjectList, { normalizeString: true })
// IgnoreJsonPropertyName: ignore the name in @JsonProperty and uses name in class
const company = ModelMapper.deserialize(Company, jsonObjectList, { ignoreJsonPropertyName: true })
Express integration
ModelMapper converts req.body to model using express middleware
import { modelMapperMiddleware, ModelMapperRequest } from '@roit/roit-model-mapper';
// Step by Step
// Step 1: Import middleware controller and bodyParser.json()
var app = express();
// Step 2: Import ModelMapperRequest
app.post('mapper', function (req: ModelMapperRequest, res, next) {
// Invoke bodyToObject method for mapping the object
const company = req.mapper.bodyToObject(Company)
Company {
name: 'Company 1 SM inc',
identity: '58.413.609/0001-72',
Address {
country: 'Brasil',
city: 'Curitiba',
streetAddress: 'R Argentina' } }