Connect to firestore in a very easy and standardized way, using typescript and optionally [NestJs](https://docs.nestjs.com/)
ROIT Data Firestore
Connect to firestore in a very easy and standardized way, using typescript and optionally NestJs
Usage Simple Example
Model Class
To validate the model use class-validator, in execute create or update operation the rules will be validated
export class User {
id: string
name: string
age: number
Repository Class
import { Query } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { Repository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { BaseRepository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
import { User } from "./model/User";
import { Paging } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
collection: 'fb-data-test',
validateModel: User
// If use nest @Injectable()
export class Repository1 extends BaseRepository<User> {
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>
@Query({ oneRow: true })
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<User | undefined>
findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
@Query({ select: ['name', 'age'] })
findByAge: (age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
import { Repository, Query, Cacheable } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
The anotation Repository is responsible for register context from operator
collection: 'collection', // Firestore collection name
validateModel: Model // ref model from validate
The anotation Query is responsible from invoker the dynamic query creator and initialize implementation
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>
The anotation Cacheable is responsible from handler storage data in cache, local or using provider
excludesMethods: [ // Excludes methods not to store data (optional, default [])
cacheOnlyContainResults: true, // Cache data only query return value (optional, default true)
cacheProvider: CacheProviders.LOCAL, // REDIS or LOCAL (optional, default 'Local')
includeOnlyMethods: [] // Includes only the methods that will be stored (optional, default []),
cacheExpiresInSeconds: 60 // Cache expiration in seconds
Cache environment variables
| Environment variable | Description | Default value | | -------------------|------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------- | | firestore.cache.redisUrl | Ex: redis://localhost:63279 | | firestore.cache.timeout | Timeout to Redis response (ms) | 2000 | | firestore.cache.reconnectInSecondsAfterTimeout | Time to try to reconnect after Redis timeout (s) | 30 | | firestore.debug | Toggle debugging logs | false |
BaseRepository and ReadonlyRepository
To standardize the BaseRepository already provides the common methods for implementation
import { BaseRepository, Query, ReadonlyRepository } from "@roit/roit-data-firestore";
export abstract class BaseRepository<T> {
findAll: (paging?: Paging) => Promise<T[]>
findById: (id: Required<string>) => Promise<T | undefined>
create: (item: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>
update: (items: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>
createOrUpdate: (items: T | Array<T>) => Promise<Array<T>>
updatePartial: (id: Required<string>, itemPartial: Partial<T>) => Promise<void>
delete: (id: Required<string> | Array<string>) => Promise<Array<string>>
incrementField: (id: Required<string>, field: Required<string>, increment?: number) => Promise<void>
When you only need to read a collection, use ReadonlyRepository
export abstract class ReadonlyRepository<T> {
findAll: (paging?: Paging) => Promise<T[]>
findById: (id: string) => Promise<T> | undefined
Dynamic query contractor
The dynamic construction of a query allows a method to be described in a standardized way and the library dynamically creates the concrete implementation
Ref: Firstore Operators
Supported keywords inside method
| Keyword | Sample | Query | | -------------------|------------------------------------| ---------------------------------------- | | Iqual | findByLastNameIqual or findByLastName | .where('lastName', '==', value) | | LessThan | findByAgeLessThan | .where('age', '<', value) | | LessThanEqual | findByMonthLessThanEqual | .where('month', '<=', value) | | GreaterThan | findByAgeUserGreaterThan | .where('ageUser', '>', value) | | GreaterThanEqual | findByAgeAppleGreaterThanEqual | .where('ageApple', '>=', value) | | Different | findByLastNameDifferent | .where('lastName', '!=', value) | | ArrayContains | findByCitysArrayContains | .where('citys', 'array-contains', value) | | ArrayContainsAny | findByCitysArrayContainsAny | .where('citys', 'array-contains-any', value) | | In | findByCitysIn | .where('citys', 'in', value) | | NotIn | findByFrangosNotIn | .where('frangos', 'not-in', value) | | OrderBy Desc | findByNameAndOrderByNameDesc | .where('name', '==', value).orderBy("name", "desc")| | OrderBy Asc | findByNameAndOrderByNameAsc | .where('name', '==', value).orderBy("name", "asc")| | Limit | findByNameAndLimit10 | .where('name', '==', value).limit(10) |
// When called example findByName('anyUser') result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser')
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>
// When called example findByNameAndAge('anyUser', 15) result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser').where('age', '==', 15)
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
// When called example findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc('anyUser', 15) result in query .where('name', '==', 'anyUser').where('age', '==', 15).orderBy("id", "desc")
findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
Paging support
For any query it is possible to pass the paging information
Paging option
orderBy?: string = 'id'
orderByDirection?: Direction = 'asc'
cursor?: string | null = null
limit: number = 1000
Any query
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
Any query with paging
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<Array<User>>
Manual Query
Use query() method preset in BaseRepository
findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this.query([
field: 'name',
operator: '==',
value: name
field: 'id',
operator: '==',
value: id
findByNameAndId2(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this.query([{ name }, { id }])
Full example
export class Repository1 extends BaseRepository<User> {
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>
findByNameAndAge: (name: string, age: number, paging?: Paging) => Promise<Array<User>>
findByNameAndAgeAndOrderByIdDesc: (name: string, age: number) => Promise<Array<User>>
findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this.query([
field: 'name',
operator: '==',
value: name
field: 'id',
operator: '==',
value: id
findByNameAndId2(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this.query([{ name }, { id }])
Paginated Query
Use queryPaginated() method preset in BaseRepository
findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string, paging: Paging): Promise<QueryResult<User>> {
return this.queryPaginated({
query: [
field: 'name',
operator: '==',
value: name
field: 'id',
operator: '==',
value: id
The return of this method is a QueryResult:
class QueryResult<T = any> {
data: T[];
totalItens: number | null;
Select Example
@Query({ select: ['name', 'id'] })
findByName: (name: string) => Promise<Array<User>>
findByNameAndId(name: string, id: string): Promise<Array<User>> {
return this.query({
query:[{name}, {id}],
select: ['name']
Firestore read auditing with Big Query
GCP Firestore does not provide a way to visualize the number of reads per collection, so with this functionality it is possible to save all the reads of a Firestore collection into a BigQuery table or dispatch to a PubSub topic for further analysis.
Example (using env.yaml):
projectId: 'gcp-project-id'
enable: true
endAt: '2023-01-19 15:02:10' (optional - after this date, the audit will stop)
provider: 'PubSub' // PubSub or BigQuery (PubSub is the default option)
pubSubTopic: 'your-topic'
TTL Option
Firestore supports automatic data cleaning
collection: `collection`,
validateModel: Model,
ttl: {
expirationIn: 3,
unit: 'days',
ttlUpdate: false
in data document there is create attribute ttlExpirationAt