This AWS CDK Construct creates a digest version of an existing SNS topic. The digest infrastructure aggregates noficiations from an SNS topic over a period of time (using an intermediary SQS queue and a scheduled Lambda function) into .csv or .json format
cdk-sns-digest: Create a digest version of an SNS topic
This AWS CDK Construct creates a digest version of an existing SNS topic. The digest infrastructure aggregates noficiations from an SNS topic over a period of time (using an intermediary SQS queue and a scheduled Lambda function) into .csv or .json format, stores it in a new S3 bucket, and sends notifications to the digest SNS topic with a presigned link to download the aggregate file.
I had a project where I created a small ETL process to parse Excel files upon upload to S3. Upon completion of the parsing, a notification was sent to an SNS topic with e-mail subscriptions. These uploads could either happen sporatically or as a bulk process. The bulk processes tended to overrun the e-mail endpoints with hundreds of notifications, and the original suggestion was to unsubscribe prior to the bulk submissions and resubscribe after. I created this digest process so that bulk notifications do not overrun e-mail endpoints.
npm i @rogerchi/cdk-sns-digest
Example Usage
Use default aggregation Lambda function
Included in the package is a simple Python lambda function which aggregates the notifications using the pandas library. The latest pandas layer is retrieved from KLayers.
import { createSnsDigest, SnsDigestFormat } from "@rogerchi/cdk-sns-digest";
// Within a stack
const snsDigest = createSnsDigest(this, "snsDigest", {
snsTopic: Topic, // Existing SNS Topic
format: SnsDigestFormat.CSV, // SnsDigestFormat.CSV or SnsDigestFormat.JSON
schedule: Schedule.expression("rate(5 minutes)"), // Digest rate
Supply your own Lambda function
Use your own lambda function to aggregate the notifications. Environment variables passed to the lambda function are:
import { SnsDigest, SnsDigestFormat } from '@rogerchi/cdk-sns-digest';
// Within a stack
const snsDigest = new SnsDigest(this, "snsDigest", {
snsTopic: sns.Topic, // Required
format: SnsDigestFormat.CSV, // Optional, defaults to SnsDigestFormat.CSV
schedule: events.Schedule, // Optional, defaults to 5 minutes
aggregatorLambda: lambda.Function; // Required
This was created to handle "human-scale" notifications and tested with digests of around 1000 notifications over a five minute period.