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The Rockside Wallet SDK helps implementing a Wallet and integrating it with Rockside by providing following APIs :
- Create a HD wallet, handle recovery and signing
- Create a Rockside meta transaction signature
Some of these examples require a token to authenticate the user. See the documenation to get more information on how to retrieve those.
Get a Web3 custom provider
This allows to have a transparent Web3 provider that relay all eth_sendTransaction
through the given identity:
import { Rockside } from 'rockside-wallet-sdk';
const rockside = new Rockside({ token: 'MY_TOKEN' });
const wallet = await rockside.connectEncryptedWallet('username', 'password');
const identity = await rockside.deployIdentity(wallet.getAddress());
const provider = rockside.getWalletProvider(wallet, identity.address);
const web3 = new Web3(provider as any);
const erc20 = new web3.eth.Contract(JSON.parse(erc20ABI), erc20Address);
const mybalance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(identity.address).call();
Use eth_signTypedData_v4 to sign a meta transaction using Metamask
import { executeMessageTypedData } from 'rockside-wallet-sdk';
const signer = '0x0x6f32e2588C7C2Ab80ceCf49562CAD748409dCBa7';
const domain = { chainId: 3, verifyingContract: '0x${FORWARDER_ADDRESS}' };
const metatx = {
to: '0x6f32e2588C7C2Ab80ceCfFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF',
value: 0,
data: '0xabba',
nonce: 0,
const provider = window.ethereum;
const typedData = executeMessageTypedData(domain, metatx);
const signature = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'eth_signTypedData_v4',
params: [signer, JSON.stringify(typedData)],
from: signer,
}, (err, result) => {
if (err) { return reject(err); }
return resolve(result.result);
Generate a Wallet and sign a meta transaction
import { Wallet, executeMessageHash } from 'rockside-wallet-sdk';
const wallet = Wallet.createRandom();
const domain = { chainId: 3, verifyingContract: '0x${FORWARDER_ADDRESS}' };
const metatx = {
signer: '0x0x6f32e2588C7C2Ab80ceCf49562CAD748409dCBa7',
to: '0x6f32e2588C7C2Ab80ceCfFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF',
value: 0,
data: '0xabba',
nonce: 0,
const hash = executeMessageHash(domain, metatx);
const signature = await wallet.sign(hash);
Run tests
First, install dev dependencies :
npm i -D
Then run tests
npm test