<br />
This documentation refers to the stable version of Adonis Bull, for Adonis v4.x > If you are using Adonis v5, click here.
Using Bull with Adonis shouldn't be hard. It shouldn't require dozens of steps to configure it. That's why adonis-bull exists. It provides an easy way to use queues when developing applications with AdonisJS.
adonis install @rocketseat/adonis-bull
Register the Bull commands at start/app.js
const aceProviders = ['@rocketseat/adonis-bull/providers/Command']
Register the Bull provider at start/app.js
const providers = [
Create a file with the jobs
that will be processed at start/jobs.js
module.exports = ['App/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail']
Add the config file at config/bull.js
'use strict'
const Env = use('Env')
module.exports = {
// redis connection
connection: Env.get('BULL_CONNECTION', 'bull'),
bull: {
redis: {
host: '',
port: 6379,
password: null,
db: 0,
keyPrefix: '',
remote: 'redis://redis.example.com?password=correcthorsebatterystaple',
In the above file you can define redis connections, there you can pass all Bull
queue configurations described here.
Create a file to initiate Bull
at preloads/bull.js
const Bull = use('Rocketseat/Bull')
// Optionally you can start BullBoard:
.ui(9999, 'localhost') // http://localhost:9999
// You don't need to specify either port or hostname, the default port number is 9999 and the default hostname is localhost
Add .preLoad in server.js to initialize the bull preload
new Ignitor(require('@adonisjs/fold'))
.preLoad('preloads/bull') // Add This Line
Creating your job
Create a class that mandatorily has the methods key
and handle
The key
method is the unique identification of each job. It has to be a static get
The handle
is the method that contains the functionality of your job
const Mail = use('Mail')
class UserRegisterEmail {
static get key() {
return 'UserRegisterEmail-key'
async handle(job) {
const { data } = job // the 'data' variable has user data
await Mail.send('emails.welcome', data, (message) => {
.subject('Welcome to yardstick')
return data
module.exports = UserRegisterEmail
You can use the connection
static get method to specify which connection your job
will work.
class UserRegisterEmail {
// ...
static get connection() {
return 'remote'
The package has support for all events triggered in the bull, just add "on" and complete with the name of the event
Ex: onCompleted()
, onActive()
, onWaiting()
and etc.
class UserRegisterEmail {
onCompleted(job, result) {}
onActive(job) {}
module.exports = UserRegisterEmail;
Processing the jobs
Simple job
You can share the job
of any controller
, hook
or any other place you might like:
const User = use('App/Models/User')
const Bull = use('Rocketseat/Bull')
const Job = use('App/Jobs/UserRegisterEmail')
class UserController {
store ({ request, response }) {
const data = request.only(['email', 'name', 'password'])
const user = await User.create(data)
Bull.add(Job.key, user)
module.exports = UserController
Scheduled job
Sometimes it is necessary to schedule a job instead of shooting it imediately. You should use schedule
for that:
const User = use('App/Models/User')
const Bull = use('Rocketseat/Bull')
const Job = use('App/Jobs/HolidayOnSaleEmail')
class HolidayOnSaleController {
store ({ request, response }) {
const data = request.only(['date', 'product_list']) // 2019-11-15 12:00:00
const products = await ProductOnSale.create(data)
Bull.schedule(Job.key, products, data.date)
module.exports = HolidayOnSaleController
This job
will be sent only on the specific date, wich for example here is on November 15th at noon.
When finishing a date, never use past dates because it will cause an error.
other ways of using schedule
Bull.schedule(key, data, new Date('2019-11-15 12:00:00'))
Bull.schedule(key, data, '2 hours') // 2 hours from now
Bull.schedule(key, data, 60 * 1000) // 1 minute from now.
Advanced jobs
You can use the own Bull
configs to improve your job:
Bull.add(key, data, {
repeat: {
cron: '0 30 12 * * WED,FRI',
This job
will be run at 12:30 PM, only on wednesdays and fridays.
To have a bigger control over errors that might occur on the line, the events that fail can be manipulated at the file App/Exceptions/QueueHandler.js
const Sentry = use('Sentry')
class QueueHandler {
async report(error, job) {
Sentry.configureScope((scope) => {
module.exports = QueueHandler
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