A CLI to generate a markdown table of contents & insert it in
Markdown Table of Contents Generator
Quickly generate a table of contents from a markdown file and optionally insert it inline.
Table of Contents
# Install on a project as a dev dependancy
npm i -D @robb_j/md-toc
Example use
You can use
npx md-toc
when added as a project dependancy
# Output a table of contents for a README.md in the current directory
npx @robb_j/md-toc
# Insert a table of contents in the local README.md
# -> Replaces inbetween <!-- toc-head --> and <!-- toc-tail -->
npx @robb_j/md-toc -i
# Output a table of contents for a different file
npx @robb_j/md-toc -f CONTRIBUTING.md
# Use a glob to process multiple files
npx @robb_j/md-toc -f "**/*.md"
# Test a glob to see what it matches
npx @robb_j/md-toc -f "**/*.md" --dry-run
Full usage info
Usage: @robb_j/md-toc [options]
A tool for generating a table of contents for readmes
-V, --version output the version number
-f --file [README.md] specify where the markdown file(s) you want to process are, accepts a filename or a glob (default: "README.md")
-i --inline [false] edit the table of contents inline, it replaces between '<!-- toc-head -->' and <!-- toc-tail --> (default: false)
--dry-run [false] perform a dry run, useful for testing your glob
-h, --help output usage information
You can use this programmatically in node by importing the module, see cli.js for detailed usage.
const { tableOfContents, headTag, tailTag } = require('@robb_j/md-toc')
// filename: string
// inline: boolean
tableOfContents(filename, inline)
# Run the cli when you have the repo checked out
# NOTE: Make sure not to process this readme as it has toc-head/tail comments in for documentation only
node src/cli.js # ...
Future work
- Take file pattern as an argument rather than an option, i.e.
md-toc <...pattern>
, perhaps as a varadic argument
This repo was set up with robb-j/node-base