RNDM Render Preset: Firedux Navigation. React Navigation using Firebase and Redux for RNDM Render
RNDM Render Preset: Firedux Navigation
This preset provides functionality for RNDM Render package for combined integrations of Firebase and Redux (Firedux!) as well as React Navigation.
It includes the following packages:
If you have not already done so, then please ensure you have installed the RNDM Render package.
From NPM
npm install --save @rndm/render-preset-firedux-navigation
Post Installation
In order to allow this plugin to work, it must first be included in your project. You can do this inside your main index file:
import '@rndm/render-preset-firedux-navigation';
The components included within this plugin make use of the 'create...()' functions but are named after the type of Navigator generated. These are:
- StackNavigator
- BottomTabNavigator
- TopTabNavigator
- DrawerNavigator
- SwitchNavigator
These Navigators are comprised of different Screens, which take the key of their name as the route name.
The difference from the standard React Navigation Plugin is that the state of the navigation stack is managed within the custom redux implementation created with your redux instance.
type: 'firedux-navigation.DrawerNavigator',
props: {
routes: {
Screen: {
type: 'react-native.View',
props: {
style: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: 'red',,
In the example above, you can see that a single screen is provided to a DrawerNavigator, which will take up the full height of the view and will appear red.
Since the state is managed by your own Redux Store, you can build out full Navigation history.
"type": "firedux-navigation.StackNavigator",
"props": {
"routes": {
"Screen": {
"type": "react-native.View",
"props": {
"style": {
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"backgroundColor": "yellow"
"children": {
"type": "react-native.TouchableOpacity",
"props": {
"children": {
"type": "react-native.Text",
"props": {
"children": "Test"
"middleware": [
"middleware": "redux.connect",
"args": [
"prop": "onPress",
"action": {
"type": "Navigation/PUSH",
"value": {
"routeName": "Other"
"Other": {
"type": "react-native.View",
"props": {
"style": {
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"backgroundColor": "orange"
"children": {
"type": "react-native.TouchableOpacity",
"props": {
"children": {
"type": "react-native.Text",
"props": {
"children": "Test"
"middleware": [
"middleware": "redux.connect",
"args": [
"prop": "onPress",
"action": {
"type": "Navigation/PUSH",
"value": {
"routeName": "Screen"
"id": "root"
Full examples can be found in the example library found in this project.
In addition to the files created by the Redux Plugin, this CLI will create additional files and attempt to integrate into the existing Redux setup.
In order to run this, you can call the following command line script:
rndm-render-preset-firedux-navigation init
The files it will create will be as below. Should you need to adapt the code or have an existing Redux integration, please cherry pick the items you require from these below setup:
import { createReactNavigationReduxMiddleware } from 'react-navigation-redux-helpers';
const middleware = createReactNavigationReduxMiddleware(
state => (
export default middleware;
import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation';
import { get } from 'lodash';
const reducer = (state = {}, { type = '', ...action } = {}) => {
if(type.startsWith('Navigation/')) {
const { id = 'root' } = action;
switch (type) {
case NavigationActions.INIT:
return {
routers: {
[id]: action.router,
[id]: {
const router = get(state, `routers.${id}`);
if (!router) return state;
const output = router.getStateForAction({ type, ...action.value });
return {
[id]: {
return state;
export default reducer;
Check out the Playground page to see how these features work.
These will then need to be included in your middleware array and reducers object.