Rumbullion git and npm helper
Rumbullion version and package management helper. Basically a simple Taskrunner to automate git commits, npm versioning and build using rum-maker.
I prefer installation per package. But you can also install it global to link the make-rum command systemwide.
npm i -D @rnd7/rum-publisher
You run this command using npx when not installed globally
npx publish-rum
You might also invoke it by pointing node towards the bin js, though it is only recommended for development purposes or to publish the rum-publisher using rum-publisher.
node bin/publish-rum.js
command line args
Commit message. Pass any string. Defaults to "rum-publisher commit".
-m "Commit for good sake"
NPM Version semver. Pass major, minor or patch. Defaults to patch.
-v patch
Build using optional rum-maker
Publish to github and npm. Pass true or false. This defaults to true. You can use shortcuts (0,1 or t,f).
-p false
--publish false
git branch. If not set the script will use your current local branch. If this fails publish is skipped.
-B master
--branch master
git remote. If not set the script will use your current remote. If this fails publish is skipped.
-R origin
--remote origin
npm publish access. Use public or restricted. Defaults to public.
-A public
--access public
See the LICENSE file for software license rights and limitations (MIT).