Buttons communicate the action that will occur when the user touches them.
Buttons communicate the action that will occur when the user touches them.
- Module @rmwc/button
- Import styles:
- Using CSS Loader
- import '@rmwc/button/styles';
- Or include stylesheets
- '@material/button/dist/mdc.button.css'
- '@rmwc/@rmwc/icon/icon.css'
- '@material/ripple/dist/mdc.ripple.css'
- Using CSS Loader
- MDC Docs: https://material.io/develop/web/components/buttons/
<Button label="Button" />
<Button label="Icon" icon="favorite" />
<Button label="Trailing" trailingIcon="keyboard_arrow_right" />
<Button label="Loading" icon={<CircularProgress />} />
<Button label="Raised" raised />
<Button label="Unelevated" unelevated />
<Button label="Outlined" outlined />
<Button label="Dense" dense />
<Button label="No Ripple" ripple={false} />
<Button label="Danger" danger raised />
<Button label="Danger" danger outlined />
<Button label="Danger" danger />
label="With Theme"
theme={['secondaryBg', 'onSecondary']}
This example uses "accent" to control the color of the Ripple.
See the documentation on Ripples.
<Button label="With Theme" theme="secondary" />
{/** Alternatively pass content as children */}
As Children
{/** Wrapping a button in TouchTargetWrapper will automatically set its `touch` prop to true. */}
<Button>Touch Accessible</Button>
The Button component.
| Name | Type | Description |
| children
| ReactNode
| Content specified as children. |
| danger
| boolean
| Used to indicate a dangerous action. |
| dense
| boolean
| Make the Button dense. |
| disabled
| boolean
| Make the button disabled |
| icon
| IconPropT
| An Icon for the Button |
| label
| any
| Content specified as a label prop. |
| outlined
| boolean
| Make the button outlined. |
| raised
| boolean
| Make the Button raised. |
| ripple
| RipplePropT
| Adds a ripple effect to the component |
| touch
| boolean
| Makes the button more touch friendly. This will automatically be set true if used inside of TouchTargetWrapper. |
| trailingIcon
| IconPropT
| A trailing icon for the Button |
| unelevated
| boolean
| Make the button unelevated. |