Risecorejs - The Node.js Framework
Risecorejs - The Node.js Framework
npm install -g @risecorejs/core
npm install -g nodemon
npx risecorejs init my-project
cd my-project
npm install
# One of the following:
npm install pg pg-hstore # Postgres
npm install mysql2 # MySQL
Note: Don't forget to set up your database for the next step!
Copy ".env.example" -> ".env" and set up the #DATABASE section.
To run the application, use the following commands:
npm run dev
or npm run start
npx risecorejs --help
risecorejs <command> [options]
risecorejs init [folder] Init Risecorejs template
risecorejs dev [port] [host] [multiprocessing] [multiprocessingWorkers] Run server in live-reload mode
risecorejs start [port] [host] [multiprocessing] [multiprocessingWorkers] Run server
risecorejs make:controller [entityName] [entityExtendedName] Creating a base controller
risecorejs make:model [entityName] Creating a base model
risecorejs make:docs [entityName] [entityExtendedName] Creating a base docs
risecorejs make:routes [entityExtendedName] Creating a base routes
risecorejs make:entity [entityName] [entityExtendedName] Creating a base entity
risecorejs make:migrations Automatic creation of migrations
--help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
Directory structure
- controllers
- database:
- joins
- migrations
- models
- order-by
- seeders
- docs
- middleware
- routes
- storage
- structs
import { IConfig } from '@risecorejs/core/interfaces'
export default <IConfig>{
global: {
test: 123
server: {
host: '', // default: 'localhost'
port: 5000, // default
multiprocessing: true, // default: undefined (if:true ? mode:multiprocessing : mode:singleProcess)
multiprocessingWorkers: 3, // default: undefined
// Add your module aliases so they are always at hand
moduleAliases: {
'~': __dirname, // default
'@some-folder': __dirname + '/directory/some-folder'
storage: true, // default: undefined
structs: {
setGlobal: true, // default
enableAPI: true, // default,
dir: __dirname + '/structs' // default
cron: {
childProcess: true, // if:true ? mode:childProcess : mode:inside
jobs: {
'0 0 * * * *'() {
processes: {
notifications: {
vars: {
filePath: __dirname + '/processes/notifications.js',
notificationWorkers: env('NOTIFICATION_WORKERS', 3)
dev: {
cmd: 'node {{ filePath }}'
prod: {
cmd: 'pm2 start {{ filePath }} -i {{ notificationWorkers }}',
await: true
default: {
cmd: 'node {{ filePath }}'
validator: {
locale: 'ru' // default: 'en'
router: {
baseUrl: '/', // default
routesDir: '/', // default
apiDocs: {
title: 'API-docs' // default
middleware: {
// docs: https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-rate-limit
rateLimit: {
windowMs: 5 * 60 * 1000, // default
max: 1000 // default
// docs: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cors#configuring-cors
cors: {}, // default
// Add your global middleware
extends: () => [
require('~/middleware/global/some-middleware') // or require('./middleware/global/some-middleware')
init(config) {
// Will be executed before launching the application
console.log('Hi, I am an initialization function')
master(config) {
console.log('I am working in the wizard when multiprocessing is running')
start({ config, app, server }) {
// Will be executed when the application starts
// Calling a global variable
console.log('Hello!', $.test) // Hello 123