React views for Rill.
Universal React rendering middleware for Rill.
This middleware depends on React@16 for async rendering. If you would like to use older versions of react try using @rill/react@5 and below.
npm install @rill/react
import Rill from 'rill'
import React from 'react'
import renderer from '@rill/react'
// Create a rill app.
const app = Rill()
// Setup React rendering in middleware.
// Set locals in middleware.
app.use(({ locals }), next)=> {
locals.title = '@rill/react'
return next()
// Render a react view.
app.use(({ req, res }, next)=> {
// Just set the body to a react element.
// updates the dom in the browser, or render a string in the server.
res.body = <HelloWorld message="Hello World"/>
// On the server the final response will be a stream with:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My App</title>
<meta name="description" content="Rill Application">
@rill/[email protected]
Hello World
<script src="/app.js"></script>
// An example HelloWorld component in React.
function HelloWorld (props, { locals, req }) {
return (
<title>My App</title>
<meta name="description" content="Rill Application"/>
<script src="/app.js"/>
Sub page rendering.
Sometimes the goal is not to render the entire page with React, or you want to use something like @rill/page to handle the document.
@rill/react adds the ability to change the root element with an option for this purpose.
// Use a query selector to set the root element.
app.use(renderer({ root: '#my-element' }))
Nesting Components
When rendering React expects a constant outer layer for elements like html, head and body.
@rill/react makes it easy to wrap react components with the Rill router with a special #wrap
const { wrap } = require("@rill/react")
// This will automatically wrap any valid react elements attached to the body with the `HelloWorld` component.
// The `props` option can be a function (called with a rill `ctx`) or an object.
app.get('/*', wrap(HelloWorld, { message: 'world' }))
app.get('/home', ({ res })=> {
// This will be a child of the HelloWorld component.
res.body = <MyOtherComponent/>
- Use
npm test
to run tests.
Please feel free to create a PR!