Pre-Sale Smart Contracts on Bitriel Protocol
Selendra Pre-IDO Contracts
The project comes with a presale contract and a private sale contract, ready-for-deploy scripts that deploys those contracts,
Try running some of the following tasks:
first of all, we need to install all needed-dev dependencies through this command:
yarn install
next, create an .env file in the root of project, same keys as .env.example and set those values depend on your needs. then, compile both contracts to see if no errors, and the size of those contracts:
yarn compile
run coverage to check more in deep:
yarn coverage
yarn test
if no errors on testing, we're good to go to deployments with options(network, tags, reset):
npx hardhat deploy --reset --network bsc-testnet --tags Presale
run cleaning with hardhat to clean the build folders and cache file:
yarn clean
generate docs with hardhat-docgen for static site:
yarn docs
Etherscan verification
To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten.
In this project, copy the .env.template file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, after you deployed your contract, Then, copy the etherscan API key and paste it in to replace ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
in this command. This will verify both contracts if those are not verified yet:
npx hardhat --network bsc-testnet etherscan-verify --api-key ETHERSCAN_API_KEY