PostgreSQL client
Module that provides a client connection with transaction support to a PostgreSQL database.
Environment Variables
| Variable | Description | Default | |---------------------|------------------------------------|-----------| | PGHOST | DB hostname | ::1 | | PGPORT | DB port | 5432 | | PGDATABASE | DB name | | | PGUSER | DB username | | | PGPASSWORD | DB password | | | PG_MAX_CLIENT | Maximum number of open connections | 10 | | PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS | Idle timeout in milliseconds | 10000 | | PG_CNXN_TIMEOUT_MS | Connection timeout in milliseconds | 0 |
The idle timeout closes an open connection after the specified period of inactivity. A connect request shall fail if the maximum number of connections are still in use after the specified connection timeout.
Example Usage
const { connect, end } = require( '@rhoweb.js/pg-client');
const dbClient = await connect();
. . .
do stuff with the DB client
. . .
await dbClient.release();
// When closing down
await end(); // Terminate the connection pool
Create a client connection object.
const dbClient = await pgClient.connect( customPool = null );
Defaults to the regular pool if no argument is specified.
Exceptions shall be thrown if:
- any of the required environment variables are not defined (i.e., the ones without default values);
- the specified environment variables are invalid or do not define a valid connection;
- if it is not possible to connect the database for any reason;
- if the maximumum number of active client connections are currently in use.
Terminate the DB connection pool.
async pgClient.end();
Call this to terminate the connection pool when shutting down the application. If this is not called, the connection pool shall terminate automatically after about 5 seconds.
const customPool = await pgClient.createCustomPool();
Create a new connection pool configured from different environment variables. The custom pool must be explicitly closed by the caller.
... updated environment variables ...
const customPool = await pgClient.createCustomPool();
const dbClient = await pgClient.connect( customPool );
... do stuff ...
await dbClient.release();
await customPool.close();
Regular Pool and Custom Pool
Custom pools are used for non-standard use cases, typically administrative. The regular connection pool is created when "connect()" is first called. If "connect()" has not yet been called, changing the environment variables dynamically shall result in the regular connection pool being configured incorrectly, e.g.,
process.env.PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 0;
const customPool = await pgClient.createCustomPool();
. . .
await pgClient.connect();
. . .
Either restore the modified environment variables, e.g.,
const oldTimeout = process.env.PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS;
process.env.PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 0;
const customPool = await pgClient.createCustomPool();
process.env.PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = oldTimeout;
. . .
or connect and disconnect a regular client first, e.g.,
await pgClient.connect();
await pgClient.release();
process.env.PG_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 0;
const customPool = await pgClient.createCustomPool();
. . .
Returns the configuration as loaded from the environment, e.g.,
const pgConfig = pgClient.getConfig();
would return something like:
PGHOST: 'pghost.com',
PGPORT: '5432',
PGUSER: 'pguser',
PGPASSWORD: 'pgpass'
Run Tests
Either define the DB environment variables or modify the defaults defined in test/unit/pg-client.js.
export PGHOST=myhost
export PGPORT=5432
export PGDATABASE=mydb
export PGUSER=myuser
export PGPASSWORD=mypassword
npm install
npm install mocha --global
npm run test
npm run test-coverage