@rhoas/app-services-ui-components contains a number of components for the Managed Application Services UI.
@rhoas/app-services-ui-components contains a number of components for the Managed Application Services UI.
The project is documented using Storybook, published on GitHub Pages.
import { Something } from '@rhoas/app-services-ui-components';
<Something />
With npm installed, add the package to your peer and development dependencies.
$ npm install --save-dev --save-peer --save-exact @rhoas/app-services-ui-components
It's not recommended installing the package as a direct dependency to avoid having it bundled in your project's bundle.
Finally, make sure to list the dependency as a shared singleton in your federated
module section on the Webpack's config file.
Be sure to enable the singleton option in order to have the internationalization
layer work correctly.
// webpack.js
const { dependencies, peerDependencies } = require('./package.json');
module.exports = () => {
return {
// ...
plugins: [
// other plugins
new webpack.container.ModuleFederationPlugin({
name: 'my-module',
filename: 'my-module.js',
exposes: {
'./MyModule': './src/MyModule',
shared: {
react: {
eager: true,
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react'],
'react-dom': {
eager: true,
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react-dom'],
'react-router-dom': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['react-router-dom'],
'@rhoas/app-services-ui-components': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['@rhoas/app-services-ui-components'],
'@rhoas/app-services-ui-shared': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: peerDependencies['@rhoas/app-services-ui-shared'],
'@patternfly/quickstarts': {
singleton: true,
requiredVersion: '*',
This project implements i18n using react-i18next
You can translate strings by using one of the methods provided by react-18next
, like the useTranslation
To make life easier when developing a new Managed Application Services UI or when writing unit tests that also cover translations, the whole react-i18next
library is re-exported by @rhoas/app-services-ui-components
You can translate your content without directly including react-i18next
as a direct dependency of your project by doing:
import { useTranslation } from '@rhoas/app-services-ui-components';
const MyComponent = () => {
const { t } = useTranslation();
return <span>{t('common:status')}</span>
Refer to the react-i18next
documentation for more information.
Optional: set up the shared context providers
This step is required only if you want to run your application without the
dev server. Never place the following code in components you make available as a federated module!
// App.tsx
import { VoidFunctionComponent } from "react";
import { I18nProvider, ModalProvider } from "@rhoas/app-services-ui-components";
const App: VoidFunctionComponent = () => (
en: {
common: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/common.json'),
'create-kafka-instance': () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/create-kafka-instance.json'),
kafka: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/kafka.json'),
metrics: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/metrics.json'),
overview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/overview.json'),
datascienceoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/datascienceoverview.json'),
kafkaoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/kafkaoverview.json'),
topic: () => import("../locales/en/topic.json"),
apimgmtoverview: () => import('@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/apimgmtoverview.json'),
"manage-kafka-permissions": () => import("@rhoas/app-services-ui-components/locales/en/manage-kafka-permissions.json"),},
my app goes here
See Also
Managed Application Services main UIredhat-developer/kas-ui
Control Plane UI (list Kafka instances, create Kafka instances)redhat-developer/kafka-ui
Data Plane UI (details about a Kafka instance: metrics, topics, ACLs, etc.)redhat-developer/srs-ui
Service Registry UIredhat-developer/cos-ui
Managed Connectors UI