Red Hat Design System Tokens
Red Hat Design Tokens
Design Tokens for Red Hat's Digital Design System.
🚚 Installation
npm i @rhds/tokens
🎭 Usage
We use style-dictionary to transform our tokens into multiple formats and helpers.
Global CSS
Apply defaults to the document root by importing the global stylesheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/url/to/@rhds/tokens/css/global.css">
:is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) {
font-family: var(--rh-font-family-heading);
Shadow Root Reset
Reset a component's styles (preventing inheritance) by adding resetStyles
to it's static Constructible Style Sheet list:
import { resetStyles } from '@rhds/tokens/css/reset.css.js';
import style from './rh-jazz-hands.css';
export class RhJazzHands extends LitElement {
static readonly styles = [resetStyles, style];
JavaScript Objects
Import tokens as JavaScript objects:
import { tokens } from '@rhds/tokens';
html`<span style="color: ${tokens.get('--rh-color-blue-300')}">I'm blue</span>`;
or for tree-shakable imports:
import { ColorBlue300 } from '@rhds/tokens/values.js';
html`<span style="color: ${ColorBlue300}">I'm blue</span>`;
:warning: NOTE
We strongly recommend using CSS variables (and accompanying snippets) wherever, instead of importing tokens as JavaScript objects.
Stylelint Plugin
Install the stylelint plugin to automatically correct token values in your files.
See the Stylelint Plugin README for more info.
11ty Plugin
The experimental 11ty plugin lets you display token values in an 11ty site.
Editor Snippets
Editor snippets complete prefixes like --rh-color-brand
to their CSS custom properties, complete with fallback, e.g.
color: var(--rh-color-brand, #ee0000);
They also provide reverse lookup, so if you want to choose between all the tokens with value #e00
, you can do so by completing the prefix e00
Load snippets in VSCode:
Download the VSIX bundle from the releases page.
Or, search the VSCode marketplace for Red Hat Design Tokens
Load snippets in neovim via LuaSnip:
require 'luasnip.loaders.from_vscode'.lazy_load { paths = {
-- Path to the built project, perhaps in your `node_modules`
} }
Vim users can load the vim-hexokinase plugin to display colour swatches
next to their encoded values in their editor. Use the following config (lua syntax, for neovim users) to configure
hexokinase to display colour values next to colour aliases like {color.brand.red}
vim.g.Hexokinase_optInPatterns = {
'full_hex', 'triple_hex',
'rgb', 'rgba',
'hsl', 'hsla',
vim.g.Hexokinase_ftOptOutPatterns = {
json = { 'colour_names' },
yaml = { 'colour_names' },
vim.g.Hexokinase_palettes = {
-- replace with path to the built tokens package on your drive
🏆 Contributing