A set of useful utils for http methods. Includes converter/validator for http query params or body attributes, custom error types.
A set of useful utils for http methods. Includes converter/validator for http query params or body attributes, custom error types.
How to use:
const { Converter, ValidationError } = require('@rfcx/http-utils')
const convertedParams = {}
const params = new Converter(req.body, convertedParams, { camelize: true })
.then(() => {
sampleRate: convertedParams.sampleRate
filename: convertedParams.filename,
duration: convertedParams.duration
.catch((err) => {
// handle custom error with type `ValidationError` here
Available converters/validators:
function name | description | example
------------ | ------------- | -------------
default | sets default value for param | .default(true)
optional | marks param as not required (won't throw ValidationError message for it) | .optional()
toFloat | checks if param is numeric, converts it to float | .toFloat()
minimum | checks if param is higher than specified value | .minimum(10)
maximum | checks if param is lower than specified value | .maximum(100)
minLength | checks if param string is longer than specified length | .minLength(3)
maxLength | checks if param string is shorter than specified length | .maxLength(20)
nonEmpty | checks if param string is not empty | .nonEmpty()
toUuid | checks if param is valid uuid string | .toUuid()
toLatitude | checks if param is valid latitude (min -90, max 90) | .toLatitude()
toLongitude | checks if param is valid longitude (min -180, max 180) | .toLongitude()
toMoment | checks if param is valid ISO8601 datetime string, converts to moment.js object with specified timezone | .toMoment('America/Los_Angeles')
toMomentUtc | checks if param is valid ISO8601 datetime string, converts to moment.js object with UTC timezone | .toMomentUtc()
toMomentUtc | checks if param is valid ISO8601 datetime string, converts to moment.js object with UTC timezone | .toMomentUtc()
toQuantumTime | checks if param is valid ISO8601 datetime string, converts to moment.js object with abs() seconds | .toQuantumTime()
toDateString | checks if param is valid ISO8601 datetime string, converts to string with format "YYYY-MM-DD" | .toQuantumTime()
toTimeInterval | checks if param is valid interval value (1d, 10secs, etc) | .toTimeInterval()
toAggregateFunction | checks if param is valid aggregate function value (count
, sum
, avg
, min
, max
) | .toAggregateFunction()
toInt | checks if param is valid integer | .toInt()
toNonNegativeInt | checks if param is valid positive integer | .toNonNegativeInt()
toString | checks if param is valid string | .toString()
toLowerCase | converts string to lowercased | .toLowerCase()
trim | converts string to string without spaced at the beginning and end | .trim()
objToString | converts object to string | .objToString()
toBoolean | checks if param is valid boolean | .toBoolean()
toArray | converts single item into array | .toArray()
toIntArray | converts single item into array, checks if all items are integers | .toIntArray()
toFloatArray | converts single item into array, checks if all items are floats | .toFloatArray()
nonEmptyArrayItem | checks if array is not empty | .nonEmptyArrayItem()
isObject | checks if param is object | .isObject()
isValidTimezone | checks if param is valid timezone valie (America/Los_Angeles
) | .isValidTimezone()
isEqualToAny | checks if param is equal to any of specified in the array | .isEqualToAny(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
isPassingRegExp | checks if param is passing specified regular expression | .isPassingRegExp(/[a-z0-9]{12}/, 'should consist of 12 lower-cased characters or digits')
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