A component library built for sharing components to all the Revibe websites (main site, Aritst Portal, etc.).
Revibe Styling Library
This package library is a component library to be used for React. It is used by almost all of Revibe's websites.
Copyright Notice
The styles used are designed by Invision and coded by Creative Tim. See details below:
--Start Copyright Notice--
BLK Design System PRO React - v1.0.0 based on BLK Design System PRO - v1.0.0
Product Page: https://www.creative-tim.com/product/blk-design-system-pro-react Copyright 2019 Creative Tim (http://www.creative-tim.com)
Designed by www.invisionapp.com Coded by www.creative-tim.com
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.