Fork of mattes3/THREE.Terrain for use with npm / webpack
This branch modifies a pull-request by mattes3@github
for my own use case, though it should be applicable to anyone using:
three.js imported by npm, javascript/typescript
This is a procedural terrain generation lib for three.js
Depends on three.js
npm install @repcomm/three.terrain
import { Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, Scene, CylinderGeometry } from "three";
import { Terrain, generateBlendedMaterial, scatterMeshes } from "@repcomm/three.terrain";
let intervals = 63;
const terrain = new Terrain({
material: new MeshStandardMaterial({
color: 0x44dd66,
easing: EaseInWeak,
heightmap: DiamondSquare,
maxHeight: 250,
minHeight: -100,
steps: 0,
useBufferGeometry: false,
widthSegments: intervals,
width: 1024,
heightSegments: intervals,
height: 1024
const scene = new Scene();
let decorations = scatterMeshes (
terrain.children[0].geometry, {
mesh: new Mesh(new CylinderGeometry(2, 2, 12, 6)),
w: xS,
h: yS,
spread: 0.02,
randomness: Math.random,
Dynamic Terrain Materials
const material = generateBlendedMaterial([
// The first texture is the base; other textures are blended in on top.
{texture: t1},
// Start blending in at height -80; opaque between -35 and 20; blend out by 50
{texture: t2, levels: [-80, -35, 20, 50]},
{texture: t3, levels: [20, 50, 60, 85]},
// How quickly this texture is blended in depends on its x-position.
{texture: t4, glsl: '1.0 - smoothstep(65.0 + smoothstep(-256.0, 256.0, vPosition.x) * 10.0, 80.0, vPosition.z)'},
// Use this texture if the slope is between 27 and 45 degrees
{texture: t3, glsl: 'slope > 0.7853981633974483 ? 0.2 : 1.0 - smoothstep(0.47123889803846897, 0.7853981633974483, slope) + 0.2'},