`rep3-sdk` is the ts package for projects to integrate rep3-protocol and services in their projects. This documentation will provide various ways and code snippets for the same. To know more about the protocol head over to our [docs](https://docs.rep3.gg/
rep3 protocol SDK
is the ts package for projects to integrate rep3-protocol and services in their projects. This documentation will provide various ways and code snippets for the same. To know more about the protocol head over to our docs
rep3 protocol
rep3-protocol enables communities to
- create and distribute membership badges
- create and distribute contribution/participation badges with membership badge as owner
- distribute consent-first soulbound ERC721s
- and more..
=> Installation
Install the package with yarn or npm:
npm i @rep3/rep3-sdk
yarn add rep3-sdk
=> Configure rep3 client
import Rep3 from "rep3-sdk"
// configure chains
// For Polygon mainnet
chainId = 137
contractAddressConfig ={
manager: "0xDA6F4387C344f1312439E05E9f9580882abA6958",
beacon: "0x083842b3F6739948D26C152C137929E0D3a906b9",
router: "0xB9Acf5287881160e8CE66b53b507F6350d7a7b1B",
// For Polygon Mumbai
chainId = 80001
contractAddressConfig = {
manager: "0xf00eAbb380752fed6414f3C12e3D8F976C7D024d",
beacon: "0xDcc7133abBA15B8f4Bf155A372C17744E0941f28",
router: "0x1C6D20042bfc8474051Aba9FB4Ff85880089A669",
// Biconomy if you want use their relayer service for gasless experience on your project https://www.biconomy.io/
import { Biconomy } from "@biconomy/mexa"
config = {
apiKey: "<api_key_biconomy>", // get it once you setup biconomy
relayURL: "<rpc_url>", // get it once you setup biconomy
// instantiate the client
const rep3 = new Rep3(
signer, null, walletProvider, chainId,
await rep3.createInstance()
=> Register a new community on rep3 (deploy a new ERC 721 contract)
Registering community is equivalent to creating a new erc721 collective. Community has approvers
with permission to distribute badges, upgrade/downgrade membership levels etc. Sender of this transaction becomes default owner
of the community
await rep3.deploy(
["<approver_address>", "<approver_address>", ..]
callback_function_tx_reciept, //triggered once hash is received
callback_function_confirming_events, //triggered once tx is confirmed
callback will be triggered with transaction receipt as parameter andcallback_function_confirming_events
callback will be triggered with contract emitted events as parameters
Note: callbacks can be configured throughout sdk in other functions as well
=> Membership badges
rep3-protocol is consent first protocol for soulbound tokens. Direct minting of these tokens is not possible. Every membership badge must go through the following steps
approve membership (by approver) -- Membership badges can only be approved by approvers defined while deploying the community contract. Approval creates a
based on EIP-712 usingcreateMembershipVoucher
. Details on the voucher specs belowclaim memberships (by claimer) -- MembershipVoucher can be claimed by the user/member of the community using
upgrade memberships (by approver) -- memberships can optionally be upgraded to new levels and categories
1. Approve membership badge
takes following parameters:
- community contract address
- array of levels as integer array
- array of categories as integer array
- array of member/claimer address
- comma separated string of arweave or ipfs metadata hash
Note: Length of all the arrays and number of hashes MUST be same
const signedVoucher:<signedVoucher> = await rep3.createMembershipVoucher(
[1,2], // [<Levels of membership represented in 0,1...etc.>]
[2,4], // [<Levels of categories represented in 0,1...etc.>]
["0x0EB...4b53","0x0FG...3s67"], // [<claimer address>]
"AdaDsjj...DGdI,Sdgguedsj...sfgadfD,", //<string of metadata_hash separated by comma>
Note: metadata string MUST have a
at the end
returns a signed voucher (slightly modified). you can store this object in your database, ipfs, arweave or even transfer this to the claimer and they should be able to claim the appropriate badge
"data":[257, 128], // level and category are packed together as data to save some storage slots
"end":[1], // ignore this.. this is internal implementation to save some computation
2. Claim membership
takes the following parameters
- community contract address
- signed voucher (see above)
- index of claimer address in voucher (starting from 0)
- callback_function_tx_reciept
- callback_function_confirming_events
await rep3.claimMembershipNft(
0, //<index of address in signed voucher>
callback_function_tx_reciept, //triggered once hash is received
callback_function_confirming_events, //triggered once tx is confirmed
3. Upgrade / Downgrade memberships
Memberships can be only be upgraded / downgraded by approver
using upgradeMembership
takes the following parameters
- community contract address
- membership token id to be upgraded
- new level of membership
- new category of membership
- new metadata hash of membership token
- callback_function_tx_reciept
- callback_function_confirming_events
await rep3.upgradeMembership(
1, //<membershipNft token id>
2, //<Upgrading level represented in number>
3, //<Upgrading category represented in number>
"adadsjj...dgdi", //<metadata_hash of upgrading NFT>
callback_function_tx_reciept, //triggered once hash is received
callback_function_confirming_events, //triggered once tx is confirmed
=> Association Badges
Association badges are the badges that are attached to membership badges. There can be 255
types of association badges starting from 1 (membership badge is of type 0
by default). Association badges can be issued via BadgeVoucher
where approver
signs a voucher and claimer
claims. They can also be directly minted (not recommended as it does not involve consent).
1. Approve association badge
takes the following parameters
- community contract address
- array of member token ids
- array of badge types
- comma separated string of arweave or ipfs metadata hash
- array of member nonces (how does nonce work?)
- array of data (optional and can be ignored)
await rep3.createAssociationBadgeVoucher(
[1, 2], // membership token ids
[1, 1], // array of badge types
"AdaDsjj...DGdI,Sdgguedsj...sfgadfD,", // metadata
[1, 3], // array of nonces
returns a signed voucher similar to membership voucher
index: 0,
memberTokenIds: [1, 2],
type_: [1, 1],
tokenUri: "AdaDsjj...DGdI,Sdgguedsj...sfgadfD,",
data: [0, 0], // ignore this
nonces: [1, 3],
signature: "signature":"0xc7453943fc...c5543cf28a1c"
2. claim association badge
takes the following parameters
- community contract address
- signed badge voucher
- claimer's membership token id
- index of claimer membership token id in voucher (starting from 0)
- callback_function_tx_reciept
- callback_function_confirming_events
await rep3.claimAssociationBadges(
1, //<membershipNft token id>
1, //<index of address in signed voucher>
callback_function_tx_reciept, //triggered once hash is received
callback_function_confirming_events, //triggered once tx is confirmed
=> Utility functions
Utility functions are getter function that get the data from subgraphs
Note: These three interactions (and others mentioned later) can be done directly through interacting with contracts or through a relayer.
Note: As Rep3 Protocol makes uses of subgraphs for quering contract. Devs can write their custom logics on rep3 subgraph
Rep3 Subgraph Urls
mumbai https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/eth-jashan/rep3-mumbai
matic https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/eth-jashan/rep3-matic
1. Initialization
The Rep3Getters class is initiated by the subgraph url.
import { Rep3Getters } from "rep3-sdk"
const rep3Getter = new Rep3Getters(<Mumbai-Subgraph-url/Matic-Subgraph-url>)
2. Get community contract address from transaction hash
takes the following parameters
- transaction hash (from
const community = await rep3Getter.getCommunutyFromTx(
`0xfsfs...sfaiee` // transaction hash
and returns the details of community contract
"id": "0x00c51890d...249f60f5f", // community contract address
"name": "<community_name__erc721_name>",
"symbol": "<community_badge_symbol__erc721_symbol>",
"txHash": "0x104d4adb421....fe451971505607e419fd6f3"
3. Get membership from transaction hash
takes the following parameters
- transaction hash (from
const membership = await rep3Getter.getMembershipFromTx(
`0xfje...vdvd` // transaction hash
and returns the membership details
"id": "0x00c5189...b8b59249f60f5f", // proxy contract address
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"txHash": "0x104d4adb42...e451971505607e419fd6f3"
4. Get membership for a claimer address and contract address
takes the following parameters
- claimer address
- community contract address
const membershipNfts = await rep3Getter.membershipFromClaimerCommunity("<claimer_address>","<contract_address>")
returns array of membership details
"id": "0x00c51890d6c9da0a7e85ed6682b8b59249f60f5f", // proxy contract address
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"txHash": "0x104d4adb421cb0b3e81b05549488e1fd3f75132bafe451971505607e419fd6f3"
"id": "0x00c51890d6c9da0a7e85ed6682b8b59249f60f5f", // proxy contract address
"name": "",
"symbol": "",
"txHash": "0x104d4adb421cb0b3e81b05549488e1fd3f75132bafe451971505607e419fd6f3"
4. Custom Query
Developers can send custom graph query using getForCustomQuery
takes the following parameters
- graph protcol query
- object of variables
const associationBadgeQuery = `
query($claimer: String,$contractAddress:String ) {
const associationBadgeVariable = {claimer:"0x565CB...e9C7",contractAddress:"0x5544...fdq31" }
const customResult = await rep3Getter.subgraphGetterFunction(associationBadgeQuery,associationBadgeVariable)
=> Internals
How does nonce work?
Nonces are used as anti-replay attack mechanism, so that same voucher can not be claimed more than once. Contract stores a mapping of membership token id and last used nonce which can be obtained via contract call (we'll create a simpler api for this very soon in the sdk itself)
Vouchers approved by approvers should have different nonce. for eg
If current nonce from contract is 1, voucher signed for the user should be 2 and next one should be 3 (even if first voucher with nonce 2 is not claimed. We expect implementors to create a mechanism to manage nonces, although soon we'll open up API support which will abstract out the implementation).
Note: Member is expected to claim voucher with nonce 2 first and then 3. If member claims voucher with nonce 3 before voucher with nonce 2, voucher nonce 2 will be discarded and can not be claimed.