Generate optimized codebooks from data to use in smaz compression
Generate optimized codebooks from data to use in smaz compression
Smaz comes with a default codebook which was optimized for some kind of data. It works well for English text, URLs and HTML. It's also non-optimal for all of these and might not work on your data at all. If you know exactly the kind of strings you will have to compress, a better solution is to generate custom codebooks which you can then use with smaz.
Empirically, generate
has been found to produce fairly good codebooks
in a reasonable amount of time, assuming your input data does not exceed
100k strings. If you use it with more, it could still work but may take
a lot of time.
Generating a codebook:
const { generate } = require('@remusao/smaz-generate');
const codebook = generate([
Using a custom codebook:
const { Smaz } = require('@remusao/smaz');
const smaz = new Smaz(codebook);
const compressed = smaz.compress('foo');
smaz.decompress(compressed); // 'foo'