ReltioPlatform - JavaScript client for reltio_platform These APIs allow you to manage core Reltio platform related activities, such as periodic tasks, entities, interactions, generators, user preferences, relations, lookups, tenant administration, and so on. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2020.
- Package version: 2020.
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit http://www.reltio.com
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install reltio_platform --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your reltio_platform from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var ReltioPlatform = require('reltio_platform');
var defaultClient = ReltioPlatform.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: reltio_auth
var reltio_auth = defaultClient.authentications['reltio_auth'];
reltio_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi()
var tenantId = "tenantId_example"; // {String} ID of the tenant from which the object's activeness details are required.
var objectType = "objectType_example"; // {String} Object type for which the activeness details are required.
var objectId = "objectId_example"; // {String} ID of the object for which the activeness details are required.
api.getActivenessData(tenantId, objectType, objectId).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | getActivenessData | GET /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness | This API allows you to request for information about the activeness of an object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | getEndDate | GET /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness/endDate | This API allows you to request for the end date of the specified object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | getStartDate | GET /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness/startDate | This API allows you to request for the start date of the specified object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | updateActivenessData | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness | This API allows you to modify the activeness details of an object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | updateEndDate | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness/endDate | This API allows you to modify the end date of an object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivenessControllerApi | updateStartDate | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/activeness/startDate | This API allows you to modify the start date of an object.
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | describeActivity | POST /api/{tenantId}/activities | This API can be used to specify the description for a non-existing Activity Log record. To do so, you can use the activity's URI.
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getActivitiesCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities | This API displays the search results for Activity Log Records by activity type (such as login/logout/search) or by action (such as create/edit/merge).
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getActivityLog | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities/{id} | This API displays the Activity Log Record for the specified activity based on the Activity ID/URI specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getActivityServiceOptions | POST /api/{tenantId}/activities/_options |
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getCollectionByScanQuery | POST /api/{tenantId}/activities/_scan |
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getParticipatedValues | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities/_participatedValues |
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getQuota | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities/_quota |
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | getTotalActivities | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities/_total | This API displays the total number of activity log records that match the criteria specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogApi | invalidateCache | GET /api/{tenantId}/activities/_cache/invalidate |
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | callDelete | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/attributes/** | This API deletes an attribute from the object specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | deleteAnalyticsAttributes | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{objectId}/_analyticsAttributes |
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | getAttributeValue | GET /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/attributes/** | This API checks user permissions on the entity and requested attribute and returns the attribute value by its URI.
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | insert | POST /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/attributes/** | This API adds attribute values to a specific attribute collection based on the attribute name specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | insertAnalyticsAttributes | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{objectId}/_analyticsAttributes |
ReltioPlatform.AttributeApi | update | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/attributes/** | This API updates the value of an attribute based on the attribute details specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.BusinessProcessApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/businessProcesses | This API allows you to either create a business process data record inside the Reltio Platform or associate objects and resources with it.
ReltioPlatform.BusinessProcessApi | deleteObject | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/businessProcesses/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.BusinessProcessApi | getObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/businessProcesses/{id} | This API allows you to view the details of a business process data record including the objects and resources associated with it.
ReltioPlatform.CategoriesFacetApi | buildCategoryTree | POST /api/{tenantId}/categories/_facets/_tree |
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | applyChangeRequest | POST /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/_apply | This API allows you to commit a data change request for a given change request ID specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | createChangeRequest | POST /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests | This API creates an empty data change request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | deleteChangeItem | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/changes/{changeItemId} | This API deletes a particular item from the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | deleteChangeRequest | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id} | This API deletes the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | deleteExternalInfo | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/_externalInfo | This API deletes the external information from the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getChangeItem | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/changes/{changeItemId} | This API displays the details of a change item from the Data Change Request based on the Item ID specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getChangeRequest | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id} | This API displays the details of the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getChangeRequestsByUris | POST /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/_byUris | This API displays the details of multiple Data Change Requests (DCRs) based on the criteria specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getChangesForObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/changes/{objectType}/{objectId} | This API displays the details of the changes from the Data Change Request (DCR) for the object specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getExternalInfo | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/_externalInfo | This API displays external information as a set of custom fields from the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | getTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/_total |
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | putChangeItems | PUT /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/changes |
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | rejectChangeRequest | POST /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/_reject | This API rejects the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | searchChangeRequests | GET /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests | This API allows you to search for Data Change Requests (DCRs) based on search criteria that you specify in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ChangeRequestApi | updateExternalInfo | POST /api/{tenantId}/changeRequests/{id}/_externalInfo | This API allows you to add external information as a set of custom fields to the Data Change Request (DCR) specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminEsStatusControllerApi | getEsClientHosts | GET /status/tenant/{tenantId}/es/client/hosts |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminServiceTasksControllerApi | migrateAttributeChangesToHistory | POST /service/tasks/migrateAttributeChangesToHistory |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminServiceTasksControllerApi | updateActivityLogTtl | POST /service/tasks/updateActivityLogTtl |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminTenantsControllerApi | getGbtHistoryTtl | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/gbtHistoryTtl |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminTenantsControllerApi | getTenantsLoggerSettings | GET /tenants/_loggerSettings |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminTenantsControllerApi | getTenantsLoggerSettings_0 | GET /tenants/{tenantId}/_loggerSettings |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestAdminTenantsControllerApi | setGbtHistoryTtl | PUT /tenants/{tenantId}/gbtHistoryTtl |
ReltioPlatform.ComReltioRestConsistencyConsistencyControllerApi | processedExternally | POST /api/{tenantId}/analyticsProcessed |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | addSourceType | POST /api/{tenantId}/configuration/sources | This API appends a source system to an already existing configuration.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration | This API returns a configuration for a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getActivityConfig | GET /api/{tenantId}/activityConfiguration |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getAttributeTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/attributeTypes | This API returns an array of attribute types defined for a tenant in the configuration.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getEntityTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes | This API supports read/write operations against the entity type object and returns an array of entity types defined in the configuration for a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getGraphTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/graphTypes |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getGroupTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/groupTypes |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getHistory | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/_history | This API returns history snapshots of configurations with additional information related to timestamp such as when and who made the changes.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getHistoryWithNoInheritance | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/_history/_noInheritance |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getInteractionTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/interactionTypes |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getMatchGroups | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/matchGroups |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getNoInheritance | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/_noInheritance | This API returns a configuration for a tenant without any inheritance with verticals.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getNoiseDictionaries | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/noiseDictionaries |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getNoiseDictionary | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/noiseDictionaries/{dictionaryName} |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getPrimitiveTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/roles |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getRatings | GET /api/{tenantId}/ratingConfiguration | This API returns a rating configuration for a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getRelationTypes | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/relationTypes | This API returns an array of relation types in the configuration for a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | getSourcePublishDate | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/sources/{sourceTypeName}/sourcePublishDate |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | overrideMatchGroups | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/overrideMatchGroups |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | removeSourceType | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/configuration/sources/{sourceType} |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | set | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration | This API sets the configuration for a tenant. If there was a configuration already defined for this tenant, it is overridden with this operation.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setActivityConfig | PUT /api/{tenantId}/activityConfiguration |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setRatingsForSources | PUT /api/{tenantId}/ratingConfiguration/sources | This API can set the Ratings Configuration for Source Systems to the already existing configuration.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setRatingsForUserRoles | PUT /api/{tenantId}/ratingConfiguration/userRoles | This API can set the Ratings Configuration for User Roles to already existing configuration.
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setRelationshipSurvivorshipGroup | POST /api/{tenantId}/configuration/relationTypes/{relationshipTypeName}/survivorshipGroups |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setSourcePublishDate | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration/sources/{sourceTypeName}/sourcePublishDate |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | setSurvivorshipGroup | POST /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | sources | GET /api/{tenantId}/configuration/sources |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | updateMatchGroups | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/matchGroups |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | updateRelationshipSurvivorshipGroup | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration/relationTypes/{relationshipTypeName}/survivorshipGroups/{groupUri} |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | updateSurvivorshipGroup | PUT /api/{tenantId}/configuration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups/{groupUri} |
ReltioPlatform.ConfigurationApi | validateConfiguration | POST /api/{tenantId}/configuration/_validation |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | addTenantBalance | POST /credits/balance/tenant/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getAllBalance | GET /credits/balance |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getAllHeavyOperations | GET /credits/heavyOperations |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getAllHeavyOperationsSummary | GET /credits/heavyOperationsSummary |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getHeavyOperations | GET /credits/heavyOperations/tenant/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getHeavyOperationsSummary | GET /credits/heavyOperationsSummary/tenant/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.CreditsApi | getTenantBalance | GET /credits/balance/tenant/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks | This API allows you to add one or more crosswalks to an object. The request must contain the Object URI and the crosswalk details.
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | deleteAttributeCrossWalk | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks/{id}/{attribute} |
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | deleteFromCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/crosswalks/_delete |
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | deleteFromCollection_0 | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks/{id} | This API allows you to delete a crosswalk associated to an object.
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | editAttributeCrossWalk | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks/{id}/{attribute} | This API allows you to update the value of an attribute for a crosswalk specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks |
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | modifyRefCrossWalk | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{objectId}/crosswalks/{refObjectId}.{resultCrosswalkId}/{attribute} |
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | setCrosswalkValue | PUT /api/{tenantId}/{objectType}/{objectId}/crosswalks/{id} | This API updates the value of the crosswalk based on the object and the value specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.CrosswalkApi | wipeRefCrossWalkDeleteDate | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{objectId}/crosswalks/{refObjectId}.{resultCrosswalkId}/{attribute} |
ReltioPlatform.DTSSApi | deleteCrosswalks | POST /api/{tenantId}/dtss_endpoint/deleteCrosswalks |
ReltioPlatform.DTSSApi | markAsEndDateCrosswalks | POST /api/{tenantId}/dtss_endpoint/markEndDatedCrosswalks |
ReltioPlatform.EndpointsAccessApi | check | POST /access/{tenantId}/_check |
ReltioPlatform.EndpointsAccessApi | get | POST /access/{tenantId}/_get |
ReltioPlatform.EndpointsAccessApi | getConfig | GET /access/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.EndpointsAccessApi | removeConfig | DELETE /access/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.EndpointsAccessApi | setConfig | POST /access/{tenantId} |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | addToCollectionExtended | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities | This API creates a collection of entities in the Reltio Platform based on the JSON object definition.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | asMatches | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_setAMatch |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | batchCleanse | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/batchcleanse | This API cleanses the entity data in the tenant on-the-fly by using batches.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | deleteByEntityType | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | deleteEntitiesByUris | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_deleteByUris |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | deleteHistory | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_deleteHistory |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getActivities | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_activities |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getActivitiesTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_activities/_total | This API returns the number of Activity Log Records that match the specified criteria.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getChanges | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_changes | This API is used to retrieve timestamps (UTC) reflecting when an entity was modified.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getChangesWithTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_changesWithTotal | This API request is an extension of the Entity History (GET {TenantURL} /entities/{entity object URI}/_changes) API.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities | This API is used for both individual entity and entities search. The response can include a maximum of 200 entities.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getEntitiesByCrosswalks | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_byCrosswalks | This API returns a list of Entity objects (full or partial) by a list of crosswalks from the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getEntitiesByUris | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_byUris | This API returns several entities (full or partial) by URIs with pagination.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getEntityInteractions | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_interactions | This API returns the list of interactions for an entity (interactions, where this entity is the member).
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getEntityMergeTree | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_crosswalkTree |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getExternalMatchLimit | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/_matches/_externalMatchLimit |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getFacets | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/_facets | This API within one request executes a facet search for several facets.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getFacets_0 | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_facets | This API within one request executes a facet search for several facets.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getMatchExplanation | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_verifyMatches |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getMatchScores | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/matchScores | This API allows you to search entities by using the match scores.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getNotMatchesFacet | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/notMatches |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id} | This API returns an entity object (full or partial) by URI from the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getObjectByCrosswalk | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/_byCrosswalk/{crosswalkValue} | This API returns an entity object (full or partial) by crosswalk (crosswalkValue).
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getPagedEntity | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_object |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getPotentialMatches | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_matches |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getPotentialMatchesFacet | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/potentialMatches |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getPotentialMatches_0 | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_matches | This API returns potential matches based on the match rules defined in the entity type configuration.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getScoredMatches | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_scoredmatches | This API returns potential matches with scoring based on rules in the entity type configuration.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/_total | This API retruns the total number of entities in your tenant.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | getTransitivePotentialMatches | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_transitiveMatches | This API returns all potential matches based on the match rules in the entity type configuration.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | markFavorite | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_markFavorite | This API marks an entity as favorite for the current user.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | notMatches | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_notMatch | This API returns URIs of all entities marked as <b>not matches</b> for the entity specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | overwriteEntityType | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/type | This API overwrites an entity type in the configuration.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | previewChangeRequests | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_withChangeRequests | This API allows you to see how an object will look after applying data change request(s).
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | rate | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/rate | This API adds a rating to an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | recleanse | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/recleanse |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | resetExternalMatchLimit | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_matches/_resetExternalMatchLimit |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | retractRate | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/rate | This API deletes a rating made by the current user to an Entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | searchOvercollisioned | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_matches/_searchOvercollisioned |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | typeAheadSearch | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/_typeAheadSearch |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | unmarkFavorite | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_unmarkFavorite | This API resets the <b>isFavorite</b> flag on the specified entity for the current user.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | unmergeAllContributors | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_unmergeAllContributors |
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | updateEntities | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/_update | This API allows you to perform a bulk update of multiple attributes of multiple entities at the same time.
ReltioPlatform.EntityApi | updateEntity | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_update |
ReltioPlatform.EntityRolesApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/roles | This API adds roles to an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityRolesApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/roles | This API deletes a role from an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityRolesApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/roles | This API returns all roles assigned to an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityRolesApi | updateCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/roles | This API overwrites roles in an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityTagsApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/tags | This API adds tags to an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityTagsApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/tags | This API deletes a tag from an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityTagsApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/tags | This API returns all tags assigned to an entity.
ReltioPlatform.EntityTagsApi | updateCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/entities/{entityId}/tags |
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | addGenerators | POST /api/generators | This API allows you to create Record ID Generators. You can create either a Sequential or a UUID type of generator. You must be an administrator.
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | deleteGenerator | DELETE /api/generators/{name} | This API deletes the Record ID Generator based on the name specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | getGeneratedValue | GET /api/generators/{name}/generate | This API displays the generated value based on the Record ID Generator name specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | getGenerator | GET /api/generators/{name} | This API displays the details of the Record ID Generator which is mentioned in the request.
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | getGenerators | GET /api/generators | This API displays details of all the Record ID Generators.
ReltioPlatform.GeneratorsApi | getNextReservedValue | GET /api/generators/{name}/nextReservedValue | This API displays the ID that would be returned when a new ID is requested from the generator. This works only for the SEQUENTIAL type of generator.
ReltioPlatform.GetEntityConnectionsOperationApi | get | POST /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_connections |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/graphs |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/graphs/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/graphs/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/graphs |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | getCollection_0 | GET /api/{tenantId}/graphs/{id}/members |
ReltioPlatform.GraphApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/graphs/{id}/members |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/groups |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/groups |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | getName | GET /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/name |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | getObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/groups |
ReltioPlatform.GroupApi | setName | PUT /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/name |
ReltioPlatform.GroupMemberApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/members |
ReltioPlatform.GroupMemberApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/members/** |
ReltioPlatform.GroupMemberApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/members/{memberId} |
ReltioPlatform.GroupMemberApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/members |
ReltioPlatform.GroupMemberApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/groups/{id}/members |
ReltioPlatform.HopOperationApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_hops |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/interactions | This API creates a collection of interactions in Reltio Platform based on the JSON object definition.
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | deleteFromCollection | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/interactions/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/interactions | This API returns the list of interactions for an entity (interactions, where this entity is the member).
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getFacets | GET /api/{tenantId}/interactions/_facets |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getFacets_0 | POST /api/{tenantId}/interactions/_facets |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/interactions/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getObjectByCrosswalk | GET /api/{tenantId}/interactions/_byCrosswalk/{crosswalkValue} |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | getTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/interactions/_total |
ReltioPlatform.InteractionApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/interactions |
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | addToCollection | POST /api/{tenantId}/lookups | This API call sets a lookup table for the specified tenant.
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/lookups | This API call displays the lookup table for the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | get_0 | GET /api/{tenantId}/lookups/{code}/{codeValue} |
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | list | POST /api/{tenantId}/lookups/list | This API call returns a list of lookups for the specified type.
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | purge | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/lookups |
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | resolve | POST /api/{tenantId}/lookups/resolve | This API call resolves a lookup code by providing the corresponding lookup value as the response.
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | updateLookups | PUT /api/{tenantId}/lookups |
ReltioPlatform.LookupApi | validate | POST /api/{tenantId}/lookups/validate |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | addMetaConfigurations | POST /admin//configuration/_vertical |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | getMetaVertical | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical/{shortUri} |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | getMetaVerticals | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | getUsedAtTenantsList | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical/{shortUri}/_usedAtTenants |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | getUsedAtTenantsListForAllMetaVerticals | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical/_usedAtTenants | This API validates the exact vertical in the environment.
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | updateMetaVertical | PUT /admin//configuration/_vertical/{shortUri} |
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | validateAllMetaVerticals | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical/_validateAllVerticalConfigurations | This API validates all verticals in the environment.
ReltioPlatform.MetaVerticalsApi | validateMetaVertical | GET /admin//configuration/_vertical/{shortUri}/_validateConfiguration |
ReltioPlatform.OVRulesetApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/rulesetsConfiguration |
ReltioPlatform.OVRulesetApi | getCurrentRulesets | GET /api/{tenantId}/rulesetsConfiguration/currentRulesets |
ReltioPlatform.OVRulesetApi | set | PUT /api/{tenantId}/rulesetsConfiguration |
ReltioPlatform.OVRulesetApi | setSurvivorshipGroup | PUT /api/{tenantId}/rulesetsConfiguration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups |
ReltioPlatform.OVRulesetApi | updateSurvivorshipGroup | PUT /api/{tenantId}/rulesetsConfiguration/entityTypes/{entityTypeName}/survivorshipGroups/{groupUri} |
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | get | GET /{tenantId}/tasks/{taskId} | This API returns a task with the given ID for a specified tenant or an error if there is no task with that ID in the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | getAllPeriodicJobsByTenant | GET /{tenantId}/tasks | This API returns the active tasks for all the tenants.
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | getAllPeriodicJobsCount | GET /{tenantId}/tasks/_total |
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | getAllPeriodicJobsHistoryByTenant | GET /{tenantId}/tasks/history |
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | getAllPeriodicJobsHistoryCount | GET /{tenantId}/tasks/history/_total | This API returns the total count of tasks for a specified tenant with the following statuses: CANCELED, COMPLETED, FAILED.
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | pause | PUT /{tenantId}/tasks/{taskId}/_pause | This API initiates the pausing of a task with the given ID for a specified tenant (if the pausing is supported by the task type).
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | resume | PUT /{tenantId}/tasks/{taskId}/_resume | This API resumes a paused task for the specified tenant.
ReltioPlatform.PeriodicTasksApi | stop | PUT /{tenantId}/tasks/{taskId}/_stop | This API initiates the stopping of the task associated with the given ID for the specified tenant (if stopping is supported by the task type).
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | get | POST /permissions/{tenantId}/_get | This API processes specified URIs and returns all available roles and access permissions for each specified URI.
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | getAccessRoles | POST /permissions/{tenantId}/_getAccessRoles | This API processes specified object URIs and returns all available access permissions and roles that have those permissions for each object.
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | getConfig | GET /permissions/{tenantId} | This API lists the full permissions configurations for the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | removeConfig | DELETE /permissions/{tenantId} | This API removes the entire security configuration for a tenant and disables metadata security.
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | setConfig | POST /permissions/{tenantId} | This API sets permissions for all specified URIs and roles. All permissions for each specified URI and role are updated recursively.
ReltioPlatform.PermissionsApi | validate | POST /permissions/{tenantId}/_check | This API returns available permissions for roles associated with the URIs specified in the request body.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | addToCollectionExtended | POST /api/{tenantId}/relations | This API creates relationships according to the JSON object definition containing the start object and the end object descriptions.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | deleteFromCollectionExtended | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id} | This API deletes the details of a relationship based on the relation object URI specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | getCollection | GET /api/{tenantId}/relations |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | getObject | GET /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id} | This API displays the details of a relationship based on the relation object URI specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | getObjectByCrosswalk | GET /api/{tenantId}/relations/_byCrosswalk/{crosswalkValue} |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | getRelationByCrosswalk | POST /api/{tenantId}/relations/_byCrosswalk |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | getTotal | GET /api/{tenantId}/relations/_total | This API displays the total number of related objects that match the filter criteria specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | hopByObjectUris | POST /api/{tenantId}/relations/getByObjectUris | This API displays the details of all the relations between two entities.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | overwriteCollection | PUT /api/{tenantId}/relations |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | previewChangeRequests | GET /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id}/_withChangeRequests |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | rate | POST /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id}/rate | This API sets the rating details for the relation object URI with the parameter values specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | retractRate | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id}/rate | This API deletes the value specified as the 'rate value' for the relations object mentioned in the request.
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | updateRefEntity | PUT /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id}/update/{refEntity} |
ReltioPlatform.RelationApi | updateRelation | POST /api/{tenantId}/relations/{id}/_update |
ReltioPlatform.ResourcesApi | listTenantResources | GET /{tenantId}/resources/i18n/languages |
ReltioPlatform.ResourcesApi | removeTenantResources | DELETE /{tenantId}/resources/i18n |
ReltioPlatform.ResourcesApi | storeTenantResources | POST /{tenantId}/resources/i18n | This API sets the <b>Global Translation Table</b> that is used for all tenants.
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | getTenantStatus | GET /status/tenant/{tenantId} | This API requests tenant status by ID. The Status API includes two endpoints of which the second endpoint is for a particular tenant.
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | startDeleteHistoryRecordsTask | POST /deleteHistoryRecords |
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | startExternalMatchJob | POST /externalMatch | This API allows you to match records stored externally in a file with entities within a Reltio tenant.
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | startPotentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyTask | POST /potentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyCheck |
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | startRemovePotentialMatchesCounters | POST /removepmcounters |
ReltioPlatform.StatusApi | startUpdateGbtHistoryTtlTask | POST /updateGbtHistoryTtl |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | cleanDynamoDBStorage | POST /api/{tenantId}/cleanDynamoDBStorage |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | clearCrudInternalQueues | POST /api/{tenantId}/clearCrudInternalQueues |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | clearMatchInternalQueues | POST /api/{tenantId}/clearMatchInternalQueues |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | executeDuplicateCrosswalksCheck | POST /api/{tenantId}/duplicateCrosswalksCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | findChangedEntitiesDuringLastDataloadTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/findChangedEntitiesDuringLastDataload |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | getCleanseDictionariesStatus | GET /api/{tenantId}/cleanseDictionariesStatus |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | getFullRDMStatus | GET /api/{tenantId}/status/rdmStats |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | relationsStartEndObjectsConsistencyCheck | POST /api/{tenantId}/relationsStartEndObjectsConsistencyCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startCassandraEsConsistencyTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/esCassandraConsistencyCheck | This API compares entities between the main and search storage areas and resolves basic inconsistencies if found.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startCassandraMatchConsistencyTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/matchCassandraConsistencyCheck | This API compares entities and matches in the main storage.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startDeleteHistoryRecordsTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/deleteHistoryRecords |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startExternalMatchJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/externalMatch |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startFixIncompleteMergeTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/incompleteMergesCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startGdprEntityDeleteTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/entityDelete |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startMergeAutoMatchesTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/mergeautomatches |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startMergeTreeAndLinksConsistencyTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/mergeTreeAndLinksConsistency |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startMoveHistoryToSecondaryStorageTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/moveHistoryToSecondaryStorage |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startMultipleIncomingRelationsJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/multipleIncomingRelations |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startPotentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/potentialMatchesCassandraConsistencyCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startPotentialMatchesCassandraEsConsistencyTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/potentialMatchesEsCassandraConsistencyCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReCleanseJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/cleanse | This is an asynchronous background task that cleanses the persisted entity data in the tenant.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRebuildHistoryAttributesDeltaJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/generateHistoryAttributesDelta |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRebuildMatchTableJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/rebuildmatchtable | This API is used for rebuilding match tables.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRebuildPotentialMatchesCounters | POST /api/{tenantId}/rebuildpmcounters |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRebuildRelationsDefaultCrosswalkValuesTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/rebuildRelationsDefaultCrosswalkValuesTask |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReindexActivitiesJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/reindexActivities | This API allows you to reindex all activities in a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReindexInteractionsJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/reindexInteractions | This API is used for reindexing interactions in a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReindexJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/reindex | This API allows you to reindex the entity data in a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReindexRelationsJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/reindexRelations | This API is used for reindexing relations in a tenant
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startReindexUnresolvedRdmLookups | POST /api/{tenantId}/reindexUnresolvedRdmLookups |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRelationsConsistencyCheck | POST /api/{tenantId}/relationsConsistencyCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRelationsDuplicatesCheck | POST /api/{tenantId}/relationsDuplicatesCheck |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRemoveAttributeDuplicatesJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/removeAttributeDuplicates |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRemoveOvercollisionedTokensTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/removeOvercollisionedTokens |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startRemovePotentialMatchesCounters | POST /api/{tenantId}/removepmcounters |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startSurrogateCrosswalksRecalculationJob | POST /api/{tenantId}/recalculateSurrogateCrosswalkValues | This API recalculates surrogate crosswalks for entities in a tenant.
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startUpdateGbtHistoryTtlTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/updateGbtHistoryTtl |
ReltioPlatform.TenantAdminApi | startValidateRelationsTask | POST /api/{tenantId}/validateRelations |
ReltioPlatform.TreeOperationApi | get | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_tree |
ReltioPlatform.TreeOperationApi | getHierarchyReport | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_hierarchyReport |
ReltioPlatform.TreeOperationApi | getParentsPath | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{id}/_parents | This API gets the parents of the current node.
ReltioPlatform.TreeOperationApi | search | GET /api/{tenantId}/entities/{rootId}/_treeSearch |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | createSavedRequests | POST /api/{tenantId}/personal/savedSearches | This API allows you to create a Saved Search. To create a Saved Search, you must specify a name and the search query. Other details are optional.
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | deleteSavedRequest | DELETE /api/{tenantId}/personal/savedSearches/{id} | This API allows you to delete a Saved Search.
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | findSearchRequests | POST /api/{tenantId}/personal/findSavedSearches | This API displays the Saved Searches based on the filtering, ordering and paging parameters specified in the request.
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | getAllMySearchRequests | GET /api/{tenantId}/personal/savedSearches | This API displays all the Saved Searches that belong to you.
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | getAllUsersSearchRequests | GET /api/{tenantId}/personal/allSavedSearches | This API lists the Saved Searches of all users.
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | getOption | GET /api/{tenantId}/personal/options/{optionsName} |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | getOptions | GET /api/{tenantId}/personal/options |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | getSavedRequest | GET /api/{tenantId}/personal/savedSearches/{id} |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | postOption | POST /api/{tenantId}/personal/options/{optionsName} |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | postOptions | POST /api/{tenantId}/personal/options |
ReltioPlatform.UserPreferencesApi | updateSavedRequest | PUT /api/{tenantId}/personal/savedSearches/{id} | This API updates the details of a Saved Search. If you are a tenant administrator, you can update a Saved Search on behalf of another user.
Documentation for Models
- ReltioPlatform.APIErrorRepresentation
- ReltioPlatform.APIException
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractAttributeModel
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractModel
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractObjectChangeTO
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractTenantFilteringService
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractTypeURI
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractTypeWithAttributes
- ReltioPlatform.AbstractTypeWithAttributesObject
- ReltioPlatform.AccessControlContext
- ReltioPlatform.AccessRoles
- ReltioPlatform.ActivenessAttributeModelHelper
- ReltioPlatform.ActivenessDatesWrapper
- ReltioPlatform.ActivenessValue
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityAttributeModel
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityConfig
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityDescriptionTO
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityInfo
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityItemTO
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogConfig
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityLogLongTermStorageConfig
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityOptionsTO
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityRecordTO
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityRecordURI
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityTO
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityType
- ReltioPlatform.ActivityURI
- ReltioPlatform.AnalysisTypeProfilingPayload
- ReltioPlatform.AnalysisTypeProfilingResult
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyticsAttribute
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyticsAttributeValueTO
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyticsAttributesTO
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyticsConfig
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyticsUpdatesConfig
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyzeMatchRulesReportFormat
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyzeMatchRulesResponse
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyzeMatchRulesV2Payload
- ReltioPlatform.AnalyzeMatchRulesV2Response
- ReltioPlatform.AppenderAttachableImpl
- [ReltioPlatform