AuthenticationApIs - JavaScript client for authentication_ap_is The Reltio Authentication APIs perform authentication operations for a user.Customers use the Reltio Auth API to get the access token to access their tenant. The access token permits the customer to request protected information by calling other Reltio Platform APIs. It is implemented by using the OAuth2 protocol.If your tenant is configured to use SSO, you must obtain an access token from your SSO Auth server. Since the third-party access tokens aren't known to the Reltio Auth server, some modifications must be made to the default configuration. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2020.
- Package version: 2020.
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit http://www.reltio.com
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install authentication_ap_is --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your authentication_ap_is from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var AuthenticationApIs = require('authentication_ap_is');
var defaultClient = AuthenticationApIs.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: reltio_auth
var reltio_auth = defaultClient.authentications['reltio_auth'];
reltio_auth.accessToken = "YOUR ACCESS TOKEN"
var api = new AuthenticationApIs.CheckAccessTokenApi()
var token = "token_example"; // {String}
var opts = {
'serviceId': "serviceId_example", // {String}
'tenantId': "tenantId_example" // {String}
api.getAuthorizationInfo(token, opts).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- AuthenticationApIs.CheckAccessTokenApi | getAuthorizationInfo | POST /oauth/checkToken | AuthenticationApIs.ComReltioAuthDbSyncupControllerDBSyncupControllerApi | getSyncStatus | GET /admin//sync/status | AuthenticationApIs.ComReltioAuthRestV2controllersGlobalRolePermissionControllerV2Api | getByRoleName | GET /oauth//roles/permissions/v2/{roleName} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomerRolePermissionsApi | callDelete | DELETE /oauth//customers/{customerId}/roles/permissions/{roleName} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomerRolePermissionsApi | create | POST /oauth//customers/{customerId}/roles/permissions | This API creates permissions for the existing customer-specific roles. AuthenticationApIs.CustomerRolePermissionsApi | getAll | GET /oauth//customers/{customerId}/roles/permissions | This API request returns the details of all the roles and permissions configured for a customer, based on the Customer ID mentioned in the request. AuthenticationApIs.CustomerRolePermissionsApi | getByRoleName | GET /oauth//customers/{customerId}/roles/permissions/{roleName} | This API returns all the permissions configured for the specified role under the particular customer. AuthenticationApIs.CustomerRolePermissionsApi | override | PUT /oauth//customers/{customerId}/roles/permissions/{roleName} | This API request overrides the permissions of a customer specific role permissions object specified in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | addCustomerSpecificRoles | POST /oauth//customers/{id}/roles | This API allows you to add customer specific roles. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | createCustomers | POST /oauth//customers | This API request creates a customer record based on the details provided in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | createGroups | POST /oauth//customers/{customerId}/groups | This API creates the groups with the tenant specific roles configured for the customer. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | createSSOConfigurationForTenant | PUT /oauth//customers/{id}/externalProviderConfig/{tenant} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | deleteCustomer | DELETE /oauth//customers/{id} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | deleteGroup | DELETE /oauth//customers/{customerId}/groups/{groupId} | This API request deletes the group for the specified customer. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | deleteSSOConfigurationForTenant | DELETE /oauth//customers/{id}/externalProviderConfig/{tenant} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | deleteShieldConfig | DELETE /oauth//customers/{id}/shieldConfig | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getCustomer | GET /oauth//customers/{id} | This API request displays the details of the customer based on the Customer ID provided in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getCustomers | GET /oauth//customers | This API allows to to get Customers API. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getGroup | GET /oauth//customers/{customerId}/groups/{groupId} | This API request displays the details of a Group for a specific customer, based on the Group ID and Customer ID mentioned in the request. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getGroups | GET /oauth//customers/{customerId}/groups | This API creates the groups with the tenant specific roles configured for the customer. The request body must be an array with group details. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getSSOConfigurationForTenant | GET /oauth//customers/{id}/externalProviderConfig/{tenant} | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getShieldConfig | GET /oauth//customers/{id}/shieldConfig | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | getUsersForCustomer | GET /oauth//customers/{id}/users | This API request allows you to display the details of all the users belonging to a specific customer specified in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | updateCustomer | PUT /oauth//customers/{id} | This API request allows you to modify the customer's details, based on the Customer ID specified in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | updateCustomerPasswordPolicy | PUT /oauth//customers/{id}/passwordPolicy | AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | updateCustomerSpecificRoles | PUT /oauth//customers/{id}/roles | This API request updates the customer-specific roles to the list of roles sent in the body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | updateGroup | PUT /oauth//customers/{customerId}/groups/{groupId} | API request updates the group with the JSON object send in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.CustomersApi | updateShieldConfig | PUT /oauth//customers/{id}/shieldConfig | AuthenticationApIs.GlobalRolePermissionsApi | getAll | GET /oauth//roles/permissions | AuthenticationApIs.GlobalRolePermissionsApi | getByRoleName | GET /oauth//roles/permissions/{roleName} | This API returns the permissions JSON of the System role sent in the request. AuthenticationApIs.ReltioServiceApi | getAllReltioServices | GET /oauth//reltioservices | AuthenticationApIs.ReltioServiceApi | getReltioServiceByID | GET /oauth//reltioservices/{serviceId} | AuthenticationApIs.RevokeTokenApi | revokeToken | POST /oauth/revoke | This API request is used to revoke an access or refresh token and the data associated with it. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | addUserExternalTokens | POST /oauth//users/{username}/externalTokens | This API request is used to add an external token for the user specified in the request. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | addUsersToCollection | POST /oauth//users | This API request creates a user as specified in the request body. You can specify the roles and tenants by using the userPermissions property. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /oauth//users/{username} | This API deletes the users. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | getCustomerForUser | GET /oauth//users/customers | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | getExternalTokens | GET /oauth//users/{username}/externalTokens | This API returns the external tokens for the specified username. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | getGroupsForUser | GET /oauth//users/{username}/groups | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | getUsers | GET /oauth//users | This API fetches the list of users. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | getUsersByGroup | GET /oauth//users/groups/{groupId} | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | listTokensForUser | GET /oauth/users/{user}/tokens | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | removeExternalToken | DELETE /oauth//users/{username}/externalTokens/{systemId} | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | resetPassword | POST /oauth//users/_resetPassword | This API allows changing of the user password using temporary reset link. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | revokeTokens | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/revoketokens | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | sendResetPasswordLink | POST /oauth//users/_sendResetPasswordLink | This API requests for a temporary password link. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /oauth//users/{username} | This API overrides the users completely with the data sent in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserEmail | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/email | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserEntityId | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/entity | This API request is used to update an entity associated with a user. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserExternalToken | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/externalTokens/{systemId} | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserGroups | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/groups | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserPassword | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/password | This API updates the password for the specified username. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserRoles | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/tenantRoles | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserRolesRemoved | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/roles | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUserTenantsRemoved | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/tenants | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | updateUser_0 | PUT /oauth//users/{username}/_unlock | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | viewUser | GET /oauth//users/{username} | This API request displays the details of a particular user, based on the User Name specified in the request body. AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | viewUsersForTenant | GET /oauth//users/permissions/tenant/{tenantId} | AuthenticationApIs.UsersApi | viewUsersForTenant_0 | GET /oauth//users/tenant/{tenantId} | This API request displays the list of all the users for a tenant, based on the Tenant ID specified in the request body.
Documentation for Models
- AuthenticationApIs.AuthorizationInfo
- AuthenticationApIs.ClientDetailsWrapper
- AuthenticationApIs.ClientRole
- AuthenticationApIs.Customer
- AuthenticationApIs.EmailContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.ExternalProviderConfig
- AuthenticationApIs.ExternalToken
- AuthenticationApIs.GroupsContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.JWTSignatureConfig
- AuthenticationApIs.JsonNodeFactory
- AuthenticationApIs.ModelAndView
- AuthenticationApIs.MoveRolesDTO
- AuthenticationApIs.ObjectNode
- AuthenticationApIs.OldPassword
- AuthenticationApIs.OperationStatus
- AuthenticationApIs.PagableReltioUser
- AuthenticationApIs.PasswordContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.PasswordPolicy
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioServiceResource
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioServiceResourcePermissions
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioUser
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioUserGroup
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioUserInternal
- AuthenticationApIs.ReltioUserPermissions
- AuthenticationApIs.Role
- AuthenticationApIs.RolesContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.RolesPermissions
- AuthenticationApIs.ShieldConfig
- AuthenticationApIs.Status
- AuthenticationApIs.SyncStatus
- AuthenticationApIs.TenantsContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.TenantsRolesContainer
- AuthenticationApIs.UserEntity
- AuthenticationApIs.UserRole
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: password
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- write: Grant write-only access
- read: Grant read-only access