## Install
npm install -g @reflexer-finance/geb-console@latest
To start the console run the command:
# Default network is kovan, to start it on mainnet run
geb-console mainnet
# To preload a private key, pass an env variable PK
PK=0xabc123... geb-console
Once loaded you should see:
Start geb-console on Kovan...
Context objects:
- geb - ethers
- gebAdmin - now()
- contracts - provider
- BigNumber - info(func)
- metamask(<txRequest>) - wad(<BN|number|string>)
- ray(<BN|number|string>) - rad(<BN|number|string>)
- parseWad(<BN>) - parseRay(<BN>)
- parseRad(<BN>) - WAD
🗿 >
A few examples of what you can do in the JS console:
// Fetch some system variables
// Hint: use TAB autocomplete to see what's available
🗿 > globalDebt = await geb.contracts.safeEngine.globalDebt()
// Print the BigNumber as string (45 decimals RAD)
🗿 > globalDebt.toString()
// We expose the objects `ethers` and `provider` from the ether.js library
🗿 > amount = ethers.utils.parseEther('1')
🗿 > await provider.getBalance("0x7eb8caf136Ba45DD16483188cbe8b615f6251ca7")
BigNumber { _hex: '0x1496cdb253dea8a31690', _isBigNumber: true }
// Hint: use the underscore to refer to the previous command result
🗿 > _.toString()
// Pass a string, number or Bignumber to this function display a converted readable amount
🗿 > parseWad(_)
// Hint: use the `info` function to see the prototype of a function
🗿 > info(geb.contracts.liquidationEngine.liquidateSAFE)
'function (collateralType, safe)'
// Contract interaction e.g: Manually liquidate a safe
🗿 > geb.contracts.liquidationEngine.liquidateSAFE(ETH_A, '0xc6a789e33b40b13144e21816b853744562686131')
to: '0x84334811e26fc70cC5a68BB2878b0F18E278C397',
data: '0x4c28be574554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c6a789e33b40b13144e21816b853744562686131',
value: undefined
// Sign transaction with metamask!
🗿 > metamask(tx)
Open you browser at http://localhost:8084
// Deploy a proxy (geb account)
🗿 > metamask(geb.deployProxy())
// Confirm transaction and wait for the tx to be mined...
// Get the newly created proxy object
🗿 > proxy = await geb.getProxyAction("<Your address>")
// Open a safe with 1 ETH collateral and 100 RAI debt
🗿 > tx = proxy.openLockETHAndGenerateDebt(wad(1), ETH_A, wad(100))
🗿 > metamask(tx)
// Hint: use the `.editor` command to paste a multiline command
// Hint: access all contract of the GEB system under `geb.contracts.<contract name>`
// Hint: See geb.js full docs at https://docs.reflexer.finance/geb-js/getting-started
Mainnet fork
geb-console mainnet-fork
This will start a Hardhat mainnet fork at the current block. It exposes an RPC endpoint on port 8545 that can be used to deploy contracts.
You can then use the console:
// Make transactions with the default wallet funded with 10k ETH
🗿 > wallet.address
🗿 > await wallet.sendTransaction({value: wad(10), to: "0x1234..."})
// Impersonate any account
🗿 > b1 = await getImpersonatingSigner("0xb1adced...")
await b1.sendTransaction({...})
🗿 > stopImpersonate("0xb1adced...")
// Mine blocks
🗿 > await mine()
🗿 > await mine(3600) // Add seconds to the next block's timestamp