A multipurpose redux tools angular cli
The repository contains a Plop js project that is part of the @redux-multipurpose software suite. It helps the developer to integrate a @reduxjs/toolkit store into an Angular 2+ application, and to create submodules of the store.
Ensure to have installed @redux-multipurpose/core and optionally @redux-multipurpose/angular-router before install this package.
Redux Multipurpose angular-cli is available as a package on NPM, and should be installed globally:
npm install -g @redux-multipurpose/angular-cli
To use a specific version of the cli in a Angular project a local installation as dev dependency can be provided into you project directory:
npm install @redux-multipurpose/angular-cli --save-dev
To start the cli, into the directory of your Angular project, type the command multux
(that stands for multipurpose redux). The command starts the cli using global package.
It is recommendable to use the local version of the cli using the command npx multux
The cli is interactive and during its first usage, it helps the developer to integrate a new store instance. Executing again the cli after store generation, it helps to add different tools and modules skeletons to your store instance. Please don't use it with an instance of a store not initialized with this cli.