Cordova plugin for Android to create app shortcuts and handle intents.
Android Shortcuts Plugin for Cordova
Use this plugin to create shortcuts in Android. Use this plugin to handle Intents on your application.
For more information on Android App Shortcuts: https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/shortcuts.html
For more information on Android Intents: https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-filters.html
The work that went into creating this plug-in was inspired by the existing plugins: cordova-plugin-shortcut and cordova-plugin-webintent2.
How to install it
cordova plugins add @red-mobile/cordova-plugin-shortcuts-android
How to uninstall it
cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-shortcuts-android
npm unisntall @red-mobile/cordova-plugin-shortcuts-android
How to use it
Checking if Dynamic Shortcuts are supported
Dynamic shortcuts require SDK 25 or later. Use supportsDynamic
to check whether the current device meets those requirements.
window.plugins.Shortcuts.supportsDynamic(function(supported) {
if (supported)
window.alert('Dynamic shortcuts are supported');
window.alert('Dynamic shortcuts are NOT supported');
}, function(error) {
window.alert('Error: ' + error);
Checking if Pinned Shortcuts are supported
Pinned shortcuts require SDK 26 or later. Use supportsPinned
to check whether the current device meets those requirements.
window.plugins.Shortcuts.supportsPinned(function(supported) {
if (supported)
window.alert('Pinned shortcuts are supported');
window.alert('Pinned shortcuts are NOT supported');
}, function(error) {
window.alert('Error: ' + error);
Setting the application Dynamic Shortcuts
Use setDynamic
to set the Dynamic Shortcuts for the application, all at once. The shortcuts provided as a parameter will override any existing shortcut. Use an empty array to clear out existing shortcuts.
var shortcut = {
id: 'my_shortcut_1',
shortLabel: 'Short description',
longLabel: 'Longer string describing the shortcut',
iconBitmap: '<Bitmap for the shortcut icon, base64 encoded>',
iconFromResource: "ic_playlist_play_red", //filename w/o extension of an icon that resides on res/drawable-* (hdpi,mdpi..)
intent: {
action: 'android.intent.action.RUN',
categories: [
'android.intent.category.TEST', // Built-in Android category
'MY_CATEGORY' // Custom categories are also supported
flags: 67108864, // FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
data: 'myapp://path/to/launch?param=value', // Must be a well-formed URI
extras: {
'android.intent.extra.SUBJECT': 'Hello world!', // Built-in Android extra (string)
'MY_BOOLEAN': true, // Custom extras are also supported (boolean, number and string only)
window.plugins.Shortcuts.setDynamic([shortcut], function() {
window.alert('Shortcuts were applied successfully');
}, function(error) {
window.alert('Error: ' + error);
Adding a Pinned Shortcut to the launcher
Use addPinned
to add a new Pinned Shortcut to the launcher.
var shortcut = {
id: 'my_shortcut_1',
shortLabel: 'Short description',
longLabel: 'Longer string describing the shortcut',
iconBitmap: '<Bitmap for the shortcut icon, base64 encoded>', // Defaults to the main application icon
iconFromResource: "ic_playlist_play_red", //filename w/o extension of an icon that resides on res/drawable-* (hdpi,mdpi..)
intent: {
action: 'android.intent.action.RUN',
categories: [
'android.intent.category.TEST', // Built-in Android category
'MY_CATEGORY' // Custom categories are also supported
flags: 67108864, // FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP
data: 'myapp://path/to/launch?param=value', // Must be a well-formed URI
extras: {
'android.intent.extra.SUBJECT': 'Hello world!', // Built-in Android extra (string)
'MY_BOOLEAN': true, // Custom extras are also supported (boolean, number and string only)
window.plugins.Shortcuts.addPinned(shortcut, function() {
window.alert('Shortcut pinned successfully');
}, function(error) {
window.alert('Error: ' + error);
Querying current Intent
Use getIntent
to get the Intent that was used to launch the current instance of the Cordova activity.
window.plugins.Shortcuts.getIntent(function(intent) {
Subscribe to new Intents
Use onNewIntent
to register a callback to be executed every time a new Intent is sent to your Cordova activity. Note that in some conditions this callback may not be executed.
For more information see the documentation for Activity.onNewIntent(Intent)
window.plugins.Shortcuts.onNewIntent(function(intent) {
Call with an empty callback to de-register the existing callback.
window.plugins.Shortcuts.onNewIntent(); // De-register existing callback