A microservice schematics for nodejs
Instalation and usage
npm i -g @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template
# For generating an app
nest g -c @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template app
# For generating a controller
nest g -c @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template ctlr
What is this project?
This project is a schematic for generating NestJS projects. The CLI support custom schematics and that's what we have done here.
This project is done by RebellionPay and for covering the needs of RebellionPay. If this can help someone else, that would be great! But the main purpose of this package is to build a pave road for Rebellion dev team.
For using this as a collection for NestJS CLI you have to install this packages globally first:
npm i -g @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template
Then you can refer to the package from the nest CLI with:
# For generating an app
nest g -c @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template app
# For generating a controller
nest g -c @rebellionpay/nest-ms-template ctlr
Generating an app
If you generate an app, the available parameters are (will be asqued at runtime):
| Name | Type | Optional | Default | Description | |---------------------|---------|----------|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | name | string | No | - | The app name. Used in the code and in the folder name | | port | number | No | 3000 | The application port | | author | string | Yes | RebellionPay [email protected] | The project author. Appears in package.json | | description | string | Yes | - | The project description. Appears in package.json | | license | string | Yes | MIT | The project license. Appears in package.json | | transport | string | No | NATS | The messaging transport to use with NestJS. Right now only NATS is supported | | pure | boolean | No | false | Whether the app is a pure or an hybird one. Refer to NestJS documentation | | persistence | boolean | No | true | Whether the app is going to have persistence or not | | persistenceDB | string | Yes | - | The DB to generate configuration for. Available options are mongodb, postgresql, mysql and other | | useSpinnaker | boolean | No | true | This will include (or not) a step in the gitlab-ci file for notifying spinnaker when an image is pushed | | spinnakerUrl | string | Yes | - | The spinnaker API url for sending the notification to | | kubernetesNamespace | string | No | default | The kubernetes namespace that will appear in the manifest |
Example result
For an execution with the following answers:
? What name would you like to use for the new project? testing
? In which port will it run? 3000
? Which transport layer would you like to use? NATS
? Are you building a pure app? No
? Are you going to use persistence in a DB? Yes
? Which database would you like to use? mongodb
? Are you going to make the CD with spinnaker? No
? In which kubernetes namespace will this app going to be deployed? default
The generated tree will be:
├── README.md
├── kubernetes
│ └── manifest.yml
├── nest-cli.json
├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── app.controller.spec.ts
│ ├── app.controller.ts
│ ├── app.module.ts
│ ├── app.service.ts
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── MongoConfigService.ts
│ │ └── NATSConfigService.ts
│ ├── factory
│ │ └── winstonConfig.ts
│ ├── filters
│ │ └── ExceptionsFilter.ts
│ ├── interceptors
│ │ ├── InjectMetadataInterceptor.ts
│ │ ├── MetricsInterceptor.ts
│ │ └── TimeoutInterceptor.ts
│ ├── interface
│ │ └── MicroserviceMessage.ts
│ ├── main.ts
│ ├── message
│ │ ├── message.module.ts
│ │ ├── message.service.spec.ts
│ │ └── message.service.ts
│ └── metrics
│ ├── metrics.module.ts
│ └── metrics.service.ts
├── test
│ ├── app.e2e-spec.ts
│ └── jest-e2e.json
├── tsconfig.build.json
└── tsconfig.json
If you want to extend or customize the schematics you have to checkout the project and install the dependencies:
npm i
Then, you can do whatever changes you need to the schematics and, for testing your changes you should first build it:
npm run build
And then youn can refer to the project root folder as schematic for nest CLI:
nest g -c ./nestjs-microservice-template-project app