A simple React component capable of building HTML forms out of a JSON schema.
A simple React component capable of building HTML forms out of a JSON schema. Based on and initially forked from react-jsonschema-form
react-jsonschema-form was one of my favorite project in github.
But it has:
Bootstrap Dependency: This type of libraries must be usefull for all developers. ( Not only bootstrap developers)
HTML Dependency: For cross platfrom development needs, HTML tags must be removed from project.
Too Complext Code: Since bussiness logic and view codes are blended in project, it is nearly impossible to add another view library support
Readonly Support: This library must also be usable for data view, not only a form library.
What is ReactJSF?
Simply a json-schema implementation on javascript, react or react-native.
Initially forked from react-jsonschema-form
Changes from forked project
Components and json-schema logic seperated each other
All bootstrap dependencies removed
All html dependencies removed (Now project runs in react-native also)
All backward compabilities removed (React <16.9 is not supported)
Seperated into multi project
All HOC's removed (It's now has a clean Virtual-DOM)
Widget fall down methodology added. (If widget is not found, automatically switch to most possible alternative)
Readonly attributes added,(Now you can show form in view mode also)
Ui Shema removed: Instead of uiSchema ui, uiDefault namespaces added to original json schema.
Array Template, Object Template, ... removed. Pure widgets used to view data.
Table view added
| Project |Platforms|Type|Definition| |-|-|-|-| |@reactjsf/core|react,react-native|Core|| |@reactjsf/antd|react|Widget|Ant Design Widget Set| |@reactjsf/bootstrap|react|Widget|Bootstrap Widget Set| |@reactjsf/fabric-ui|react|Widget|Fabric Ui Widget Set| |@reactjsf/material-ui|react|Widget|Material Ui Widget Set| |@rjsf-ce/demo|react|Demo|Ant Design, Material Ui, Bootstrap, Fabric Ui, Demo Application|
React-Native Projects
Not implemented yet.
Live Playground
Not implemented yet.
You can check forked projects live playground is hosted on gh-pages.