Let's start by displaying a very simple Jalali date picker using react-jalali. We do it by import the styles and the component itself like so:
Jalali date picker
Let's start by displaying a very simple Jalali date picker using react-jalali. We do it by import the styles and the component itself like so:
import { DatePicker } from "@react-shamsi/datepicker";
import "@react-shamsi/calendar/dist/styles.css";
import "@react-shamsi/datepicker/dist/styles.css";
export default function Example() {
return <DatePicker />;
Now we are going to explore every single prop that could be passed to DatePicker. | Prop name | Description | Default value |--|--| --| |autoUpdate|Automatically updates the input whenever the user changes the active date. This means that the confirm button won't be needed for saving the date anymore.| false| |defaultDate| The date that will be displayed on the input by default| n/a | |calendarProps| Every prop for configuring the calendar component| n/a| |date| Changes the date in a controlled manner | n/a | |dateFormat| The format that the date will be displayed in | "yyyy/MM/dd" | |onChange|Function that gets called whenever the user selects a date. The new date will be passed as it's argument| n/a | |persianDigits|Will convert the input's date to persian digits|false| |...Input element props| Every other prop that can be passed to an input can be also passed to this component.| n/a |