Webpack loader to generate TS typings of graphql files as d.ts file alongside source file. Uses apollo-codegen under the hood. Supports #import syntax. If d.ts file contains GraphQL enums, they are also extracted to [filename].types.ts file so they can be
Webpack loader to generate TS typings of graphql files as d.ts file alongside source file. Uses apollo-codegen under the hood. Supports #import syntax. If d.ts file contains GraphQL enums, they are also extracted to [filename].types.ts file so they can be used in TS code.
npm i @react-app/graphql-typings-loader
test: /\.graphql$/,
use: [
By default it tries to read './schema.json' in the current working directory (directory from which webpack was run). If it does not exist, it outputs nothing.
You can create .graphqltypings.js config file in the current working directory or pass options object via loader options. It supports following:
schema: "string | filename to read schema from,
default: ./schema.json",
legacy: "boolean | uses apollo-codegen-typescript-legacy when true instead of apollo-codegen-typescript,
default: false,
options: "object | options for apollo-codegen-typescript,
default: {
addTypename: true,
mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads: true,
passthroughCustomScalars: true,
customScalarsPrefix: 'GraphQLScalar',"
By default custom graphql scalars have prefix 'GraphQLScalar'. You can that create graphql-scalars.d.ts file in your root directory with mappings to ts(js) types.
type GraphQLScalarUpload = File | Blob;
type GraphQLScalarDateTime = string;