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Typescript util functions related to XML, including a wrapper over the Saxon-HE library to be used within the RDF-Connect ecosystem. Currently this repository exposes 1 function:
This processor is able to execute one or multiple predefined XQueries over as stream of XML documents. It relies on the Java-based Saxon-HE engine to execute the XQueries. This processor can be used within a RDF-Connect (RDF-C) pipeline, by defining an input stream of XML documents (js:xmlInput
), over which a set of XQueries (js:xquery
) will be executed and output in a set of correspondent output streams (js:output
). Each query shall be given a name which must correspond to the name of the output stream where the result will be expected. An example definition of the processor is shown next:
[ ] a js:XQueryProcessor;
js:xmlInput <xmlChannelReader>;
js:xquery [
js:name "Q1";
js:query "<SomeXQuery>{}</SomeXQuery>"
], [
js:name "Q2";
js:query "<AnotherXQuery>{}</AnotherXQuery>"
js:output [
js:name "Q1";
js:outputStream <outputChannelReader1> # This can be consumed by another RDF-C processor
], [
js:name "Q2";
js:outputStream <outputChannelReader2> # This can be consumed by another RDF-C processor
js:saxonLocation <./SaxonHE12-3J.zip>. # Optional. If not given the latest release will be used