Color ============= Library for manipulating colors
Library for manipulating colors
isDark(color: Color3): boolean
Uses the YIQ equation to determine if the specified color is dark
isLight(color: Color3): boolean
Opposite of isDark
. Equivalent to !isDark(color)
invert(color: Color3): Color3
Inverts the specified color
greyscale(color: Color3): Color3)
Turns the color into greyscale
toHex(color: Color3, uppercase?: boolean): string
Converts the color to a hexadecimal format (e.g. #FF00FF)
fromHex(hex: string): Color3
Converts a hexadecimal string to a Color3 value.
Expects RRGGBB #FF00FF
or RGB #F0F
hex formats. #
prefix is optional.
gradient(colors: Array, goal: number): Color3
Using an array of colours, gets the color in the gradient from the goal
const gradient = [
Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0),
const betweenRedAndYellow = Color.gradient(gradient, 0.5);
const moreRedThanYellow = Color.gradient(gradient, 0.25);
const moreYellowThanRed = Color.gradient(gradient, 0.75);
const red = Color.gradient(gradient, 0);
const yellow = Color.gradient(gradient, 1);
fromUInt24(uint24: u24): Color3
Creates a colour from an unsigned integer
toUInt24(color: Color3): u24
Turns a colour into an unsigned integer