A simple Nextjs API router
NextJS API Router
A simple Next.js api router, inspired by Laravel and AdonisJS
npm install @raylaw/nextjs-api-router
yarn add @raylaw/nextjs-api-router
How to use
Basic use
First create a dynamic API routes, e.g. /pages/api/v1/[...slug].ts
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { NxRouter } from '@raylaw/nextjs-api-router';
const Router = new NxRouter();
Router.get('hello/.*', ({ res, req }) => {
const { slug } = req.query;
const [, message] = slug ?? [];
return res.stats(200).json({ hello: message });
const prefix = 'api/v1';
export default function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
return Router.handle(prefix, { req, res });
GET /api/v1/hello/world/
hello: 'world'
HTTP methods
NxRouter provides shorthand methods to register routes for commonly used HTTP verbs. For example:
Router.get('posts', () => {})
Router.post('posts/.*', () => {})
Router.put('posts/.*', () => {})
Router.patch('posts/.*', () => {})
Router.delete('posts/.*', () => {})
Rest of the HTTP verbs
For the rest of the HTTP verbs, you can use the Router.route method.
Router.route('posts/.*' ,['OPTIONS','HEAD'], async () => {})
Route for all HTTP verbs
Router.any('.*', async () => {})
Route groups
A group is created by passing a closure to the Router.group method.
const Router = new NxRouter();
Router.group('user', () => {
// GET /api/v1/user/profile/
Router.get('profile', ({ req, res }) => {
return res.stats(200).json({ url: '/api/v1/user/profile/' });
Router.group('order', () => {
// GET /api/v1/user/order/books/
Route.get('books', ({ req, res }) => {
return res.stats(200).json({ url: '/api/v1/user/order/books/' });
// e.g.
// GET /api/v1/user/order/
// POST /api/v1/user/order/food/
Router.any('.*', ({ req, res }) => {
return res.stats(400).json({ error: 'no-api-route-handler', rootPath: '/api/v1/user/order/' });
// e.g.
// GET /api/v1/hello/
// POST /api/v1/hello/world/
Router.any('.*', ({ req, res }) => {
return res.stats(400).json({ error: 'no-api-route-handler', rootPath: '/api/v1/' });
const prefix = 'api/v1';
export default function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
return Router.handle(prefix, { req, res });
API Reference
class NxRouter {
get: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
post: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
put: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
patch: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
delete: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
any: (pattern: string, handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
route: (pattern: string, methods: HttpMethod[], handler: NxRouteHandler) => void;
group: (pattern: string, cb: () => void) => void;
handle: (prefix: string, ctx: NextApiContext) => void;
type NxRouteHandler = (ctx: NextApiContext) => void;
type NextApiContext<T = unknown> = {
req: NextApiRequest;
res: NextApiResponse<T>;
Pattern & Handler
| | type | description |
| ------- | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| pattern | string | Any string pattern accepted by the new RegExp(pattern)
, for example: 'user/\\d+/posts' |
| handler | NxRouteHandler | Can be an aysnc function |
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));|
const Router = new NxRouter();
const pattern = 'user/\\d+/posts';
// For example,
// Handle: GET /user/12345/posts/
// Not handle: GET /user/uid-001/posts/
Router.get(pattern, async ({ res, req }) => {
await sleep(1000);
return res.stats(200).json({ hello: 'world' });
Fallback route
By default, if no route is matched, it will return a 400 response, for example
URL /api/v1/ooops/
To override this behaviour, you can create a fallback route at the end. You can use the same method to create a fallback route for a group.
const Router = new NxRouter();
Router.any('.*', ({ req, res }) => {
return res.stats(400).json({ error: 'no-api-route-handler', rootPath: '/api/v1/' });
- Middleware support