An AWS CDK module that listens for ECS Tasks to enter RUNNING state and then updates a Route 53 hosted zone with the public IP address attached to the task.
This is an AWS Cloud Development Kit V2 construct library to support updating Route 53 entry with the public ip address of an ECS Fargate task. This is useful if you are, say, running an individual instance of a game server on ECS Fargate and do not want the added cost of a Network Load Balancer.
This is the simple usecase. You pass an ECS Service and Cluster defined by your
CDK stack. Within the dnsConfig
block you pass the Route 53 fully qualified
domain name, and the hosted zone ID.
import { PublicIPSupport } from '@raykrueger/cdk-fargate-public-dns';
new PublicIPSupport(stack, 'PublicIPSupport', {
dnsConfig: {
domainName: 'www.example.com',
hostzedZone: 'Z0000000000000000000X',
Usage in Another Account
If the hosted zone you want to update is in a different AWS acccount, this
Construct can assume a role in that target account in order to perform the Route
53 Domain update. To do that, simply add the assumedRole
property to the dnsConfig
new PublicIPSupport(stack, 'PublicIPSupport', {
dnsConfig: {
domainName: 'www.example.com',
hostzedZone: 'Z0000000000000000000X',
assumedRole: 'arn:aws:iam::<the_other_account_id>:role/<the_role_name_to_assume>'
In the target account you will need to define the role that this library can assume. You can create a role in the console to trust another AWS account. Then give it these permissions
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
How it Works
This CDK Construct deploys an AWS Lambda and an Amazon EventBridge rule. The
rule is defined to look for the lastStatus
and desiredStatus
attributes to
be 'RUNNING' of an ECS Task State Change
event. It is also specifically tied
to the Service and Cluster passed into the constructor.
I was here
Note that I built this in my free time. This has nothing to do with my employer.
Enjoy! -Ray