Simple, pretty and powerful logger
Logo Designed By Inna Hotsiuk
Simple, pretty and powerful logger written in TypeScript.
Overview and Features
A very simple and straight forward typescript logger library, with a consistent style and some super powers.
Used in all @ratatoskrts libraries, built to wrap around the native Node.JS console library and be node environment aware.
- Supports all common logging levels and others
- Colored, formatted, environment aware logging of stdout/stderr
- Configurable as a single instance, or as a native console wrapper
# with npm
npm i @ratatoskrts/logger
# with yarn
yarn add @ratatoskrts/logger
# with pnpm
pnpm add @ratatoskrts/logger
Quick start example.
For running the bellow example please see the examples README file.
import { overwriteConsole, logger } from '@ratatoskrts/logger'
// Instantiate a logger object
const log = logger()
const data = {
a: 'l',
b: 'm',
c: [
d: 'n',
e: 'o',
f: 'p',
g: {
h: 'q',
i: 'r',
j: 's',
k: ['t', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'],
// Styling `stdout/stderr`
log.style(log.gradient.ratatoskr(`Hello, and thank you for checking this cool logger out!!!`))
// Wrapping and override of native `console`
console.log('This is a log')
console.info('This is an informational log')
console.info('This is a success log', { isSuccess: true })
console.error('This is a error log')
console.warn('This is a warn log')
console.debug('This is a debug log', data)
console.debug('This is a verbose log', { isVerbose: true }, data)
console.trace(/* 'This is a trace log' */)
'We can also read and print from "console"',
{ isPlain: true },
log.color.green(`As well as ${log.format.underline('format')}/colorize it`),
'And we can silence all stdout/stderr'
overwriteConsole(true /* Passing true will silence all stdout/stderr */)
console.log('The following will not be logged out')
Building from source
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