Loading ReadMe... ## What is it ? holidates is a tool I created during my training in web development at BeCode Liège, Belgium. It will allow you to display a list of holidays of the current year for the country name you will enter.
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What is it ?
holidates is a tool I created during my training in web development at BeCode Liège, Belgium. It will allow you to display a list of holidays of the current year for the country name you will enter.
How it works ?
- You enter the name of a country in english.
- it checks with the country-list package that the country name entered is correct and supported by the API.
- converts the country name into its country code,
- makes an HTTP request to the API of the nager.date service.
- retrieves the holidays data of the chosen country,
- transform the data into a readable and understandable list (date : holiday)
How to install it ?
You can install it using npm :
npm install @rasamizafy/holidates