Koho Sales API helper library
API Helper for Koho Sales ERP (http://www.kohosales.com/)
Install from npm:
npm install @rantalainen/koho-api-helper
Import to NodeJS project
const KohoApiHelper = require('@rantalainen/koho-api-helper').KohoApiHelper;
Import to TypeScript project
import { KohoApiHelper } from '@rantalainen/koho-api-helper';
Setup with options
const kohoApiHelperOptions = {
token: 'KOHO_API_TOKEN', // Token from Company Koho settings
companyId: 1234, // Company ID in Koho, optional if enterpriseId is defined
// Optional options
enterpriseId: 1234, // Enterprise ID in Koho, if defined make sure to use enterprise token
url: 'https://suite-beta.koho-online.com/api', // You can override API url with this property
// If you are spamming multiple requests to Koho, you should set this to true so that connections are reused
// This option was depcerated in 6.0.0, internal keepAliveAgent enabled by default
// useKeepAliveAgent: true,
// Added in 2.0.0, disable streaming for Koho GET requests, defaults to false and GET requests are streamed
disableStreaming: true,
// Added in 3.1.0, optional throttleOptions
throttleOptions: {
enabled: true, // default: true
delay: 30000, // default: 15000
maxRetries: 1 // default: 3
// Disable keepAliveAgent, which is true by default (one can also pass own instance of https.Agent)
keepAliveAgent: false,
// Disable dnsCache, which is true by default (using got's cacheable-lookup)
dnsCache: false
const helper = new KohoApiHelper(kohoApiHelperOptions);
Implemented methods and resources
The following api resources have been implemented:
Invoicing contractscustomers
Customer categories (asiakasryhmä)customersGroups
Customer groups (erikoisryhmä)employees
Customer contact personsproducts
Products (product types)projects
Sales (pikakauppa)notifications
Custom reports
Getter examples
Each resource type has getAll()
and getById(1234)
getters (below examples with contracts):
const contracts = await helper.contracts.getAll(); // array of contract instances
const contracts = await helper.contracts.getById(1234); // single contract instance
There are also some resource specific getters for customers:
const customers = await helper.customers.getByName('Customer Oy');
const customers = await helper.customers.getByNumber(1234);
const customers = await helper.customers.getByOrganizationId('1234567-8');
Above result can also be achieved by calling getAll()
with parameters:
const customers = await helper.customers.getAll({ name: 'Customer Oy' });
const customers = await helper.customers.getAll({ number: 1234 });
const customers = await helper.customers.getAll({ organization_id: '1234567-8' });
Request query parameters can be passed freely. With call below you can find projects that have been updated after said date:
const projects = await helper.projects.getAll({ updated_after: '2020-06-01' });
Setter examples
Update by id:
await helper.projects.updateById(1234, { name: 'New project name' });
Or by fetching resource first and using update method:
const project = await helper.projects.getById(1234); // Get single project instance
await project.update({
name: 'New project name'
:warning: Warning!
When updating custom_parameters you should always first fetch the resource and then make the update with existing custom_parameters as in example below. Otherwise you will write over existing custom_parameters.
const customer = await helper.customers.getById(1234);
await customer.update({
custom_parameters: {
...customer.custom_parameters, // assign existing parameters
updated_parameter: 'Updated' // update other parameters
You can also use patch_parameters for updating custom_parameters.
await customer.update({
patch_parameters: {
updated_parameter: 'Updated'
Create example
Create new customer
const customer = await helper.customers.create({
name: 'Example Customer Oy',
description: 'Customer generated by Koho Api Helper',
organization_id: '1234567-8'
- 1.1.0 Add customersGroups and customersCategories resources
- 1.2.0 Add notifications
- 1.3.0 Add offers
- 1.4.0 Add productsCatalogs + code refactoring
- 1.5.0 Add customersFinancialStatements
- 1.6.0 Add accountingTargets, employeeProfiles, employeeTeams
- 1.7.0 Add workSessions, workSessionAssignments, workSessionAssignmentTemplates
- 1.8.0 Add customReports
- 1.9.0 Add workSessionShifts and workSessionShiftTypes, add new helper option useKeepAliveAgent
- 1.10.0 Add support for updating notifications, companies methods, accounting assignments methods and better error messages
- 2.0.0 Add streaming by default for GET requests to avoid throttling, can be disabled by disableStreaming option
- 2.1.0 Add support for offer notifications (extends notifications methods)
- 3.0.0 Update streaming and keepAliveAgent handling
- 3.0.3 Add projectTemplates (experimental)
- 3.1.0 Add throttle handling and throttleOptions to normal requests
- 4.0.0 Implement timeout
- 4.1.0 Add datafiles
- 4.2.0 Add incidents
- 4.2.1 Add requestText to custom-reports
- 5.0.0 New HTTPS Keep Alive agent implementation and defaults with
package - 6.0.0 Enable dnsCache and keepAliveAgent by default, update dependencies and typings
Miscellaneous examples
Update employee groups.
await employee.update({
group_ids: [1234, 123]