Third party Fivaldi API client.
FivaldiApiClient is a third party Fivaldi API client.
:warning: This tool is in early stages and is subject to change.
Add to project's package.json:
npm install @rantalainen/fivaldi-api-client
Import to NodeJS project
const { FivaldiApiClient } = require('@rantalainen/fivaldi-api-client');
Import to TypeScript project
import { FivaldiApiClient } from '@rantalainen/fivaldi-api-client';
Setup client with options
In order to obtain a partner id and partner secret, please contact Fivaldi API support. Partner id and partner secret is needed to access all API functions.
const fivaldi = new FivaldiApiClient({
// Required options:
partnerId: 'your_partner_id',
partnerSecret: 'your_partner_secret'
// Required for every method execpt root methods
cuid: 'cuid_of_the_company'
// Optional options (and default values):
apiBaseUrl: 'https://api.fivaldi.net/customer/api',
timeout: 120000
To make API requests to certain company, the API client needs id for the company, which is called cuid
Fivaldi API client has few general root methods that you can use without cuid. These methods can be used to find out the cuid of the company you need access to.
Root methods
If you don't know the cuid of the company you want to access to with the API, you can fetch it with root methods. Easiest way is to search the company's info by businessId
const companyInfo = await fivaldi.getCompanies({ businessId: '1234567-0' });
const cuid = companyInfo.cuid;
If you don't know the business id of the company or you want to see all the customers your partner id has access to, you can use getCustomers()
:heavy_exclamation_mark: NOTE: One partner id can have access to multiple customers. One customer can have access to multiple companies.
const customers = await fivaldi.getCustomers();
Then you can use getCompanies()
again to search all the companies that certain customer has access to.
// See all the companies chosen customer has access to
const customers = await fivaldi.getCompanies({ customerId: 'CUSTOMER_ID' });
// This will return you list of the companies (including business id) this customer has access to
// You can then use the business id of the company you want access to and use it to get that company's cuid
const companyInfo = await fivaldi.getCompanies({ businessId: '1234567-0' });
After you've gotten the CUID of the company you want to access to, use setCuid()
method to set the cuid.
const cuid = fivaldi.setCuid('CUID_OF_THE_COMPANY');
After this, you can use all the methods available.
Implemented methods
The following API methods have been implemented:
Product registerpurchaseInvoices
Purchase invoiceschartOfAccounts
Chart of Accountsarchive
Archive of filessales
Sales orderscustomers
Customer register
Bookkeeping examples
// Get vouchers from certain time
const vouchers = await fivaldi.bookkeeping.getVouchers({ startDate: '2021-01-01', endDate: '2021-12-31' });
// Get a single voucher with voucher number
const voucher = await fivaldi.bookkeeping.getVoucherById({ voucherNumber: '802206001' });
// Create a new voucher and receive
const voucher = {
voucherTypeId: 80,
originalVoucherNumber: '123',
voucherDate: '2022-06-15',
bookkeepingMonth: 202206,
vatType: 'CALCULATED',
validateEntrySum: true,
voucherEntries: [
amount: -120,
accountNumber: 3000,
description: 'Entry number 1'
amount: 120,
accountNumber: 1701,
description: 'Entry number 2'
const voucherNumber = await fivaldi.bookkeeping.createVoucher(voucher);
Product examples
// Get the basic information of all products that fits the possible search parameters
const products = await fivaldi.products.getAllProducts({ searchWord: 'travel' });
// Get an extended info of single product
const products = await fivaldi.products.getProduct({ productCode: '123' });
// Create a new product
const product = await fivaldi.products.createProduct({
productCode: '123',
description: 'Bricks'
// Update a product giving all the fields you want to update (fields that are not given are converted to default values)
const product = await fivaldi.products.updateProductAllFields({
productCode: '123',
description: 'Bricks',
purchaseCostPrice: 140.5,
salesPrice: 189.99
// Update only the product fields that are given
const product = await fivaldi.products.updateProduct({ purchaseCostPrice: 155 });
// Create product language description (translation)
const product = await fivaldi.products.createProductDescription(
description: 'Tegelstenar',
languageCode: 'SWE'
{ productCode: '123' }
Purchase invoice examples
// Get all purchase invoices that fit the possible search criteria
const purchaseInvoices = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.getPurchaseInvoices({ createTimeAfter: '01.02.2022%11:15:00' });
// Get a single purchase invoice with invoice id
const purchaseInvoice = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.getPurchaseInvoiceById('123');
// Create a new purhcase invoice
const purchaseInvoice = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.createPurchaseInvoice(purchaseInvoiceObject);
// Update purchase invoice with given fields
const purchaseInvoice = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.updatePurchaseInvoice('123', { paymentPriority: '2' });
// Get all purchase invoice rows of certain purchase invoice
const purchaseInvoiceRows = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.getPurchaseInvoiceRows('123');
// Get a single row of certain purchase invoice
const purchaseInvoiceRow = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.getPurchaseInvoiceRowById('123', '4');
// Create a new purchase invoice row
const purchaseInvoiceRow = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.createPurchaseInvoiceRow('123', purchaseInvoiceRowObject);
// Update purchase invoice row with given fields
const purchaseInvoiceRow = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.updatePurchaseInvoiceRow('123', '4', { productAmount: 187 });
// Delete a single purchase invoice row
await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.deletePurchaseInvoiceRow('123', '4');
// Get all the comments of purchase invoice
const purchaseInvoiceComments = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.getPurchaseInvoiceComments('123');
// Create a new comment to purchase invoice
const purchaseInvoiceComment = await fivaldi.purchaseInvoices.createPurchaseInvoiceComment('123', purchaseInvoiceCommentObject);
Chart of Accounts example
// Get accounts and dimensions
const chartOfAccounts = await fivaldi.chartOfAccounts.getChartOfAccounts();
// Add new account to a dimension
const account = await fivaldi.chartOfAccounts.dimensions(accounts, { dimension: 1 });
Archive of files example
// Get download url for the file with file id
const downloadUrl = await fivaldi.archive.getFileUrl('123');
Sales orders examples
// Get company's invoicing details
const invoicingDetails = await fivaldi.sales.getInvoicingDetails();
// Get sales orders by external batch id
const ordersBatch = await fivaldi.sales.getOrdersByBatchId('123');
// Get all sales orders
const ordersAll = await fivaldi.sales.getAllOrders();
// Get sales orders with filters
const ordersFiltered = await fivaldi.sales.getAllOrders({ fromDate: '23.08.2022', status: 'DRAFT' });
// Get sales order by id
const order = await fivaldi.sales.getOrderById('63029cd00000000000000000');
// Update sales order by id
const updatedOrder = await fivaldi.sales.updateOrderById('63029cd00000000000000000', order);
// Create one or multiple sales orders
const { externalBatchId } = await fivaldi.sales.createOrders({
customerId: '1002',
languageCode: 'FIN',
currency: 'EUR',
currencyRate: 1,
paymentTermId: '1',
postingGroupId: '0000000001',
transmissionTypeId: '0000000003',
salesOrderRowDTOS: [
productCode: 'M1',
description: 'mallituote 2',
unitPriceExcludingTax: 10,
quantity: 5,
unitId: '2'
Customer register examples
// Get customer register's basic details
const basicDetails = await fivaldi.customers.getCustomerRegisterBasicDetails();
// Get all customers with optional parameters
const customerList = await fivaldi.customers.getAllCustomers({ searchWord: 'Bank' fromDate: '1.1.2020' });
// Get more detailed customer info with customer id
const customerDetails = await fivaldi.customers.getCustomer('1001');
// Create a new customer
const newCustomer = await fivaldi.customers.createCustomer(customerObject);
// Update customer info giving all fields
const updatedCustomer = await fivaldi.customers.updateCustomerAllFields('1001', customerObject);
// Update customer info only giving updated fields
const updatedCustomer = await fivaldi.customers.updateCustomer('1001', { instantMessagingType: '3' });
// Create a new address to customer
const newAddress = await fivaldi.customers.createAddress('1001', {
streetAddress: 'Mannerheimintie 63',
postalCode: '00250',
postalAddress: 'Helsinki',
countryCode: 'FI',
isMainAddress: true,
addressType: '01'
// Update customer's address giving all fields
const updatedAddress = await fivaldi.customers.updateAddressAllFields('1001', '6', {
streetAddress: 'Mannerheimintie 63',
postalCode: '00250',
postalAddress: 'Helsinki',
countryCode: 'FI',
isMainAddress: true,
addressType: '03'
// Create a new bank account to customer
const newBankAccount = await fivaldi.customers.createBankAccount('1001', {
bankName: 'Danske',
ibanNumber: 'FI0488888800009998',
countryId: 'FI',
swift: 'DABAFIHH'
// Update customer's bank account giving all fields
const updatedBankAccount = await fivaldi.customers.updateBankAccountAllFields('1001', '00000005', {
bankName: 'Danske Bank',
ibanNumber: 'FI0488888800009998',
countryId: 'FI',
swift: 'DABAFIHH'
- Fivaldi website: https://www.visma.fi/visma-fivaldi/
- Fivaldi API Documentation: https://ohjeet.visma.fi/articles/#!visma-fivaldi/visma-fivaldi-api
- Fivaldi API Documentation (swagger): https://manuals.fivaldi.net/customer/api/index.html
- Fivaldi login page: https://asp.fivaldi.net/fvlogin/login/connect