This library was used for creating dymanic UI based on the input JSON/data
Install npm with npm i @rangertechnologies/ngnxt
If the installation is giving you an error try with npm i @rangertechnologies/ngnxt —force
Once the installation is successful, To check go to package.json file and search for @ranger you will get to see the below line with the latest version
"@rangertechnologies/ngnxt": "version_number",
After the installation,
You can start using the NxtApp. Follow the below instructions to use the NxtApp
Import NxtAppModule in the ts component where you are going to use NxtApp. To import,
import { NxtAppModule } from '@rangertechnologies/ngnxt'; Add NxtAppModule under imports: [NxtAppModule]
Use the below line in the HTML component
<lib-booklet [bookletJSON]="nxtJSON" (handleBookletActionEvent)="nxtFormHandler($event)" >
Above line is one such example of how you can use the NxtApp.
The values/actions you need to take care of nxtJSON nxtFormHandler
For more information, you can visit http://docs.rangernxt.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/