MorphMetro Homomorphic library
MorphMetro - Homomorphic calculations library
Homomorphic-lib is used to calculate two metrics (z-score and E_n number) that are used during ILC (Inter Laboratory Comparison) and PT (Proficiency Testing). All accredited measuring laboratories are required to periodically conduct ILC/PT. They do so by comparing their measurements with referent data provided by the referent laboratory.
To use homomorphic-lib, two data sets are needed. First is the referent data which consists of 3 to 10 referent values (X_RD) and one value representing measuring uncertainty of the referent laboratory (U_RD). Second data set is the data from the accredited measuring laboratory. It consists of 3 to 10 measured values (X_MD) and one value representing the uncertainty of the measuring laboratory (U_MD).
To calculate two metrics (z-score and E_n number) the following equations are used:
$X_{MD}$ – average value of measured data
$X_{RD}$ – average value of referent data
$S_{MD}$ – standard deviation of measured data
$U_{MD}$ – expanded measurement uncertainty of measured data
$U_{RD}$ – expanded measurement uncertainty of referent data
From equations it can be seen that for calculation of z-score and E_n number, both referent and measured data are required. To preserve data privacy, homomorphic-lib encrypts both data sets and performs the calculations in encrypted form by using homomorphic encryption (Microsoft SEAL library).
Install all packages
npm i
Run tests
npm run test
Build and bundle with webpack
npm run build:prod
Publish to NPM
Publish to RandomRed internal NPM
npm run co:login
npm run publish
Example usage
Example usage of the library
const {generateKeys, referenceLabCalculation, measuringLabCalculation, referenceLabFinalCalculation} = require('mm-homomorphic')
const referenceData = [3.65, 3.72, 3.77, 3.68, 3.73, 3.72, 3.70, 3.71];
const uBRD = 0.02;
const {secretKey, publicKey, relin_keys, galKeys} = await generateKeys();
const {cipher_average_RD, cipher_u_RD_square} = await referenceLabCalculation(publicKey, secretKey, referenceData, uBRD )
// measured data input
const measured_data = [3.45, 3.74, 3.854, 3.54, 3.71];
const uB_MD = 0.05;
const {cipher_z_score, cipher_En} = await measuringLabCalculation(cipher_average_RD, publicKey, relin_keys, cipher_u_RD_square, measured_data, uB_MD);
const results = await referenceLabFinalCalculation(cipher_z_score, publicKey, cipher_En, secretKey)
This package was developed under MorphMetro project, funded by the EU in the framework of the NGI TRUSTCHAIN project, grant No. 101093274.