Client for authentication, authorization and workflows
Simple library for authentication and authorization for web APIs
This library aims to provide a set of tools for authentication and authorization of express applications.
- Stateful Sessions
- Stateless Sessions
- Encryption and Decryption using tweetnacl
- One-time tokens
- Free-form authorization(permission checks)
You can install sp-auth
via a package manager:
$ yarn add @random-guys/sp-auth`
$ npm install @random-guys/sp-auth`
Session Management
Make sure to add session typings first
declare namespace Express {
export interface Request {
session: any;
sessionID: string;
Setting up authentication for your app.
import express from "express";
import { SessionService } from "@random-guys/sp-auth";
const app = express();
const Auth = new SessionService({
secret: "some-strong-secret",
stateful: {
duration: "10m", // 10 minutes
store: new RedisStore(ioRedisClient)
stateless: {
duration: "1m",
scheme: "MyAppScheme"
// automatically load sessions.
app.post("/signin", async (req, res) => {
const user = getUser();
res.json({ token: await Auth.saveSession(user.id, user) });
// allow MyAppScheme and Bearer tokens
app.get("/products/:id", Auth.authCheck, async (req, res) => {
msg: "This is a protected route",
session: req.session,
// this is only available with stateful(bearer) sessions
sessionID: req.sessionID,
// create a stateless(MyAppScheme) token
headless: await Auth.headless(req.session)
// only allow MyAppScheme
app.post("/products", Auth.headlessCheck(), (req, res) => {
res.json({ msg: "This is an internal route" });
Free form authorization
This allow to check properties or the session using predicates and throw FailedPredicateError with a message if one of them fails.
const sterlingOnly = because(
"Only users in 'my-workspace' can access this route",
req => req.session.workspace == "my-workspace"
const permissionCheck = checkRequest(null, sterlingOnly);
app.get("/secure", Auth.authCheck, permissionCheck, handler);
Encryption & Decryption
Encryption is done using xsalsa20-poly1305
from the tweetnacl library.
// secrets must be no less than 32 characters long
const secret = await asyncRandomString(32);
const encrypted = await encrypt(payload, secret);
const decryptedPayload = await decrypt(encrypted, secret);
Single use tokens
Create tokens that are revoked once they've been used once.
// create token that expires in 10 minutes
const token = await sessions.commission(sample, "10m");
// view data without revoking
const peekedData = await sessions.peak(token);
// delay automatic expiry by 2 minutes
const sameData = await sessions.refresh(token, "2M");
// first decomission makes the token unusable.
const data = await sessions.decommission(token);