Wrapper around axios for interservice communication
Bucket is an implementation of the Repository pattern over mongoose
How to install
yarn add @random-guys/bucket
npm install @random-guys/bucket
How does it work
Bucket is made up of 3 parts. An interface that defines the properties of the your model, a repository that defines basic operations and queries as well as custom ones, and a schema to help with conversion of types as well as validate input.
Quick Start
Define the properties of your model
import { Model } from "@random-guys/bucket";
export interface Book extends Model {
isbn: string;
title: string;
version: Version;
export interface Version {
major: number;
minor: number;
patch: number;
is just an extension of mongoose's Document
with support for timestamps as well as string(UUID) based id, _id.
Then define a schema for your data using SchemaTypes and custom schemas
import { SchemaTypes, SchemaDefinition } from "mongoose";
import { SchemaFactory } from "@random-guys/bucket";
const VersionSchema: SchemaDefinition = {
major: { type: SchemaTypes.Number, default: 0 },
minor: { type: SchemaTypes.Number, default: 1 },
patch: { type: SchemaTypes.Number, default: 0 }
export const BookSchema = SchemaFactory({
isbn: { type: SchemaTypes.String, trim: true },
title: { type: SchemaTypes.String, trim: true },
version: VersionSchema
gives you automatic UUID for _id
, the actual definitions for timestamps and a toJSON
Next, extend the BaseRepository
which gives you access to generic operations and queries.
import { Book } from "./path/to/model";
import { BookSchema } from "./path/to/schema";
import { BaseRepository } from "@random-guys/bucket";
import mongoose from "mongoose";
class PersonRepository extends BaseRepository<Person> {
constructor() {
super(mongoose, "Person", PersonSchema);
export const PersonRepo = new PersonRepository();
Now we are ready to use the DB.
import { PersonRepo } from './path/to/repo';
import { defaultMongoOpts } from '@random-guys/bucket';
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
await mongoose.connect(url, defaultMongoOpts)
const person = await PersonRepo.byID(id));
const people = await PersonRepo.all({});