Fork of react-context-responsive, a responsive API using React's Context API
Fork of react-context-responsive with no restrictions of breakpoint names and other changes.
A package that provides a responsive context to your application, using React Context API.
It has the same API of redux-responsive
and they are easily interchangeable.
$ yarn add @ramirezcgn/react-context-responsive
$ npm i @ramirezcgn/react-context-responsive
...and include it in your project
import { ResponsiveProvider, useResponsive } from '@ramirezcgn/react-context-responsive';
Provider use
The app, ideally, should have only one <ResponsiveProvider>
, usually at app.js
, wrapping all the components.
You can have as many consumers (useResponsive
, useIsMobile
, Responsive
, withResponsive
and withIsMobile
) as you need. When the Provider value changes, all the consumers will update.
Preferred consumers
The hooks (useResponsive
and useIsMobile
) are the preferred method of using the context, when possible.
Mobile device detection
When possible, use the withIsMobile
and useIsMobile
for mobile device's detection. In the future we might use it to automatically splitting of mobile-only code.
ResponsiveProvider Props
| Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ---------|---------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| initialMediaType | string (should match breakpoints or mediaQueries key) | no | 'xs' | Initial media type before the calculation of the real measures |
| defaultOrientation | 'landscape' | 'portrait' | no | null | Initial orientation before the calculation of the real measures |
| children | node | yes | - | React component |
| breakpoints | {[key: string]: number } | no | { xs: 0, sm: 576, md: 768, lg: 992, xl: 1200, xxl: 1400 } | breakpoints |
| mediaQueries | {[key: string]: string } | no | - | Represents the screen media queries (If this is passed, breakpoints and breakpointsMax props are obsolete)
| mobileBreakpoint | string (should match breakpoints or mediaQueries key) | no | 'md' | It's considered mobile until this breakpoint |
Object returned by the useResponsive / withResponsive / Responsive:
| Key | Type | Description | |------------------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | mediaType | string | Current breakpoint name| | orientation | string | Current browser orientation | | isCalculated | boolean | False on first render. Once true, it means all breakpoints values are based on the window. | | is | {[key: string]: boolean } | Object key breakpoint name and value boolean that shows if width is at a certain breakpoint | | lessThan | {[key: string]: boolean } | Object key breakpoint name and value boolean that shows if width is less than a certain breakpoint | | greaterThan | {[key: string]: boolean } | Object key breakpoint name and value boolean that shows if width is greater than a certain breakpoint |
Object returned by the useIsMobile / withIsMobile:
| Key | Type | Description | |--------------|---------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | isMobile | boolean | If it's below the mobile breakpoint defined by mobileBreakpoint | | isCalculated | boolean | False on first render. Once true, it means all breakpoints values are based on the window. |
Usage and examples
To use the package, you must embrace your code with the ResponsiveProvider
, following the guidelines.
The component has five different exported consumption APIs:
: A hook which returns the responsive objectuseIsMobile
: A hook which returns an object withisMobile
: A render prop componentwithResponsive
: A HoC which passes the responsive data to theresponsive
: A HoC which passesisMobile
props only
How to set up
There are two possible options to configure your responsive provider with breakpoints
or with mediaQueries
Using breakpoints
and breakpointsMax
const breakpoints = {
xs: 0,
sm: 576,
md: 768,
lg: 992,
xl: 1200,
xxl: 1400,
// can be defined also as:
const breakpoints = {
small: 0,
middle: 800,
large: 1200,
const App = () => {
return (
<ResponsiveProvider breakpoints={breakpoints}>
<Content />
export default App;
Using mediaQueries
const mediaQueries = {
xs: "(min-width: 0) and (max-width: 575px)",
sm: "(min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px)",
md: "(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)",
lg: "(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)",
xl: "(min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1399px)",
xxl: "(min-width: 1400px)"
const App = () => {
return (
<ResponsiveProvider mediaQueries={mediaQueries}>
<Content />
export default App;
How to consume the package
Rendering components with useResponsive
hook. (Preferred method)
const Greetings = () => {
const { lessThan } = useResponsive();
if (lessThan.sm) {
return (<p>Hello small screen!</p>);
return (<p>Hello medium/big screen!</p>);
export default Greetings;
Rendering components with useIsMobile
hook. (Preferred method)
const Greetings = () => {
const { isMobile } = useIsMobile();
if (isMobile) {
return (<p>Hello mobile!</p>);
return (<p>Hello desktop!</p>);
export default Greetings;
Rendering components with Responsive
render prop component
class Greetings extends Component {
render() {
return (
{ (responsive) => ( <Component1 currentBreakpoint={ responsive.mediaType } /> ) }
{ (responsive) => ( <Component2 orientation={ responsive.orientation } /> ) }
export default Greetings;
Rendering components with withResponsive
High-Order component
class Greetings extends Component {
render() {
return this.props.responsive.lessThan.sm ? <p>Hello small screen!</p> : <p>Hello big/small screen!</p>
export default withResponsive(Greetings);
Rendering components with withIsMobile
High-Order component
class Greetings extends Component {
render() {
return this.props.isMobile ? <p>Hello mobile!</p> : <p>Hello desktop!</p>
export default withIsMobile(Greetings);
React compatibility
React >= 16.8.0
is required to use this package as the ResponsiveProvider
is hook-based.
The non-hook APIs just expose the useResponsive
hook with different APIs, for compatibility with class components.
Read the Contributing guidelines
By sending us your contributions, you agree that your contribution is made subject to the terms of our Contributor Ownership Statement