This package is used to interact with Rain.fi protocol on Solana
- This code is given as is and is unaudited. Use at your own risk.
- The examples might not be always up to date since the package is in active development.
Table of contents:
yarn add @rainfi/sdk
npm i @rainfi/sdk
import { Pool, Rain } from "@rainfi/sdk";
import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection("https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com", "confirmed");
const publicKey = new Keypair().publicKey // Your pubkey
const poolOwner = new PublicKey("OWNER_OF_POOL_PUBKEY")
// Let you interact with a specific pool only
const pool = new Pool(connection, poolOwner, publicKey)
// Let you interact with the whole protocol
const rain = new Rain(connection, publicKey)
Pool Class
Let you interact with a specific pool only. Useful when you want to intergarte it on your website.
import { Pool } from "@rainfi/sdk";
import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection("https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com", "confirmed");
const publicKey = new Keypair().publicKey // Your pubkey
const poolOwner = new PublicKey(OWNER_OF_POOL)
const pool = new Pool(connection, poolOwner, publicKey)
// To fetch/refresh data of the pool
const poolData = await pool.fetch()
// To fetch all loans/mortgages from the pool, including ongoing, liquidated and repaid ones
const allLoans = await pool.loans('all')
const mortgagesOpen = await pool.mortgages('all')
// To get all ongoing loans from pool
const loansOpen = await pool.loans('ongoing')
const mortgagesOpen = await pool.mortgages('ongoing')
// To get all loan history from pool
const loansHistory = await pool.loans('history')
// You can also pass the borrower pubkey to get the loans related to your pool from a specific address
const allLoans = await pool.loans('all', publicKey)
const loansOpen = await pool.mortgages('all', publicKey)
// To get whitelisted collections from the pool
const poolCollections = await pool.collections()
// Here, we just take the first collections in the pool as example
const collection = poolCollections[0]
//Create the borrow instruction
const borrowIxs = await pool.borrow(
new PublicKey("Eb89RFb5MZh4QWaae7m3pMQf5S1eNwUvoaYcpiDGdBfE"), // NFT mint address string that you want to collateralize
3, // The duration of the loan in DAYS
20 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, // Amount you want to borrow, must be lower than collection.maxAmountToBorrow
collection.floorPrice // FloorPrice of the collection, used to avoid front run
//Create the repay instruction
const loanAddress = loansOpen[0].accountAddress // address of the account holding data for the loan
const repayIx = await pool.repay(loanAddress)
// Create buy instruction, current supported marketplace: Solanart, Hadeswap, and auction house
const buyIxs = await pool.buy({
nftMint: PublicKey, // NFT mint pubkey
seller?: nftSellerPubkey, // NFT seller pubkey
auctionHousePubkey?: auctionHousePubkey, // AH address
escrowAddress?: escrowAddress, // escrow address holding the NFT
marketplace: 'solanart' | 'auction_house' | 'hadeswap', // marketplace where NFT is listed
floorPrice: collection.floorPrice, // collection floor price in LAMPORTS
price: 120 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, // NFT price in LAMPORTS
amount: (120 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL) * 0.50, // amount paid by the borrower, should 50% of the price of the NFT in LAMPORTS
duration: number // The duration of the mortgage in DAYS
const repayMortgageIxs = await pool.repayMortgage(
mortgageAddress, // mortgage account address
amount, // Amount to repay in LAMPORTS
// send your instructions
Rain Class
Let you interact with the whole protocol and its features/functions with any pool.
Create a pool
import { Rain } from "@rainfi/sdk";
import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection("https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com", "confirmed");
const publicKey = new Keypair().publicKey // Your pubkey
const rain = new Rain(connection, publicKey)
const instruction = await rain.createPool(
loanToValue: 50, // 50% of the floor price of the NFT
maxAmount: 100, // Max amount that can be used per loan in SOL, should default to size of the pool
interestType: 1, // Enable dynamic interest or not
interestRate: (!dynamicInterest && loanInterest * 100) || 0, // If dynamicInterest is used, we set the interest rate, else we set to 0 since program will overwrite
interestCurve: 25, // Interest curve depending on your parameter see docs
interestGap: 19, // Interest curve depending on your parameter see docs
maxDuration: 14, // In days
compound: true, // Compound interest or not, put the profit back in the pool or not
amount: 100, // pool size = 100 SOL
collections: [
collection: 301, // This is the rain ID of the collection
collectionLtv: 5000 // This is the loan to value of your collection, 5000 means 50%
collection: 793, // This is the rain ID of the collection
collectionLtv: 7000 // This is the loan to value of your collection, 7000 means 70%
collection: 292, // This is the rain ID of the collection
collectionLtv: 6000 // This is the loan to value of your collection, 6000 means 60%
]// Ids of the collections that you want to authorize lending on. They can be obtained using getAvailableCollections()
// wrap and send your instructions
import { Rain } from "@rainfi/sdk";
import { Connection, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, Keypair, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection("https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com", "confirmed");
const publicKey = new Keypair().publicKey // Your pubkey
const rain = new Rain(connection, publicKey)
// Get all pools available
const poolAvailable = await rain.utils.getAllPoolAvailable(connection)
// Select the pool
const pool = poolAvailable[0]
// To get all collections and their data, use that function.
const allCollections = await rain.utils.getAvailableCollections(connection)
// Here, we just want the data of Degenerate Ape Academy collection
const collection = await rain.utils.getCollection(connection, 292) // 292 is the ID of the DAA collection on rain
const duration = 3 // The duration of the loan in DAYS
//Create a borrow instruction
const borrowIxs = await rain.borrow({
nftMint: new PublicKey("Eb89RFb5MZh4QWaae7m3pMQf5S1eNwUvoaYcpiDGdBfE"), // NFT mint address string that you want to collateralize
poolOwner: pool.owner, // The owner of the pool
duration: duration, // The duration of the loan in DAYS
amount: 20 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, // Amount you want to borrow, must be lower than loanToValue
floorPrice: collection.floorPrice // FloorPrice of the collection, used to avoid front run
// wrap and send your instructions
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion by you shall be licensed at the discretion of the repository maintainers without any additional terms or conditions.
- Add examples and docs for mortgages, functions are already in the package itself though
- Add more examples about use cases
- actually do the TODO