This SDK handles
🌈 Rainbow Swap Aggregator JS SDK
This SDK handles
Token to ETH swaps
Token to Token swaps
ETH to Token swaps
Use of permit when supported (to avoid an extra approval)
Supported chains are: Mainnet, Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan, Optimism, Arbitrum and Polygon
yarn add @rainbow-me/swaps
Get a quote for a pair
const quote = await getQuote(
source, // optional, "1inch" or "0x"
chainId, // numeric chain id
fromAddress, // address of the wallet to execute the swap from
sellTokenAddress, // address of the input token
buyTokenAddress, // address of the output token
sellAmount, // amount of the input token (required if not passing buyAmount)
buyAmount, // amount of the output token (required if not passing sellAmount)
slippage // max slippage percentage allowed
Estimate gas for the swap
const { params, method, methodArgs } = getQuoteExecutionDetails(
quote, // quote returned from getQuote
{ from: quote.from }, // transaction options
provider // ethers provider
const estimatedGas = await method(methodArgs);
Execute swap for a given quote
const tx = await fillQuote(
quote, // quote returned from getQuote
transactionOptions, // gasLimit, maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas, nonce, value, from
permit, // true if you want to use the permit
chainId, // numeric chain id