Material components for use with @rainbird/sdk-react
A package that builds on @rainbird/sdk and @rainbird/sdk-react and adds some Material-UI. Best suited for those that want to get up and running as quickly as possible.
yarn add @rainbird/sdk-react-material
npm i @rainbird/sdk-react-material
KitchenSink | Rainbird | Interaction | Result | Select | ErrorBoundary
KitchenSink is a component that has been designed so that a whole interaction can be run with Rainbird from start to finish. It can also be customised using a Material-UI theme object or you can rely on our RBTheme. To see and interact with the component then install this package and run yarn storybook
import React from "react";
import { createMuiTheme } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import { KitchenSink } from "@rainbird/sdk-react-material";
const theme = createMuiTheme({
primary: {
main: "#1c083b",
secondary: {
main: "#4fbbc5",
export const App = () => (
theme={theme} // optional
options={{}} // optional
appURL="https://test.rainbird.ai" // optional but needed to display evidence link
displayEvidence={true} // optional, defaults to true
evidenceKey="" // optional but needed for evidence links behind authentication, use in conjunction with displayEvidence & appURL to configure displaying evidence for results
allowUndoResults={false} // optional, defaults to false
allowCustomSession={false} // optional, defaults to false
Rainbird is all of KitchenSink but without the outer container styling. It takes the same props as the KitchenSink, as well as a custom error handling function for custom side effects and components. It can also be styled with a custom Material-UI theme. Recommended for people who want all of the interaction support but want to add their own wrapper.
import React from "react";
import { createMuiTheme } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
import { KitchenSink } from "@rainbird/sdk-react-material";
const theme = createMuiTheme({
primary: {
main: "#1c083b",
secondary: {
main: "#4fbbc5",
export const App = () => (
onError={(err, errInfo) => {
logErrorToCustomService(err, errInfo);
return <CustomErrorComponent />;
theme={theme} // optional
options={{}} // optional
appURL="https://test.rainbird.ai" // optional but needed to display evidence link
displayEvidence={true} // optional, defaults to true
evidenceKey="" // optional but needed for evidence links behind authentication, use in conjunction with displayEvidence & appURL to configure displaying evidence for results
allowUndoResults={false} // optional, defaults to false
The Interaction component is simply the interaction with Rainbird; it won't start a session or make the initial query for you. This component is recommended for those that wish to have a custom results page/start process/query process. If you choose this component, it would be worth checking out the @rainbird/sdk-react to complement it. This can be styled by wrapping it in a ThemeProvider from MUI.
import React from 'react';
import { RESPONSE_TYPE_QUESTION } from '@rainbird/sdk';
import { Rainbird } from '@rainbird/sdk-react';
import { Interaction } from '@rainbird/sdk-react-material';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
primary: {
main: '#1c083b'
secondary: {
main: '#4fbbc5'
export const App = () => (
{({data, type}) => {
if (type === RESPONSE_TYPE_QUESTION) return <Interaction data={data}>
The Result component simply displays the results from a RESPONSE_TYPE_RESULT. Similarly to the Interaction component, you may want to checkout the @rainbird/sdk-react. It can also be styled by wrapping it in a ThemeProvider from MUI.
import React from 'react';
import { RESPONSE_TYPE_QUESTION, RESPONSE_TYPE_RESULT } from '@rainbird/sdk';
import { Rainbird } from '@rainbird/sdk-react';
import { Interaction, Result } from '@rainbird/sdk-react-material';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
primary: {
main: '#1c083b'
secondary: {
main: '#4fbbc5'
export const App = () => (
{({data, type}) => {
if (type === RESPONSE_TYPE_QUESTION) return <Interaction data={data}>
if (type === RESPONSE_TYPE_RESULT) return <Result data={data}>
The select components map to the props needed for the FormControl component in the @rainbird/sdk-react package. These are all included in the KitchenSink, Rainbird and Interaction components, however you can import them directly to use in custom builds. Any props supported in the MUI docs are supported. All can be themed by wrapping them in a MUI ThemeProvider
Certainty | MultiString | MultiStringAdd | SingleDate | SingleNumber | SingleString | SingleStringAdd | SingleTruth
Certainty A MUI slider from 1-100 to determine the certainty of a response.
MultiString A multi select component with search capability. Doesn't allow a user to add custom responses. Built using MUIs AutoComplete.
MultiStringAdd A multi select component with search capability. Allows a user to add custom responses.Built using MUIs AutoComplete.
SingleDate A date TextField
MultiDate A custom multi select date component. Built using MUIs DatePicker and AutoComplete.
SingleNumber A number TextField
SingleString A select component with search capability. Doesn't allow a user to add a custom response. Built using MUIs AutoComplete.
SingleStringAdd A select component with search capability. Allows a user to add a custom response.Built using MUIs AutoComplete.
Two radio buttons for 'True' and 'False'. Built using Radio, RadioGroup, FormControlLabel and FormControl. Props can be added to them by using radioProps
, radioGroupProps
, formControlLabelProps
and formControlProps
The error boundary is a very simple boundary that catches thrown errors bubbling up to the window. On an error, it stops rendering children and calls the onError prop. It's built into the KitchenSink and Rainbird components, so it's recommended for more custom solutions.
export const App = () => (
onError={(err, errInfo) => {
return <ErrorPage error={error} info={errInfo} />;
<CustomApp />
If you wanted to use our theme for your entire app, then the theme object is here. Created using createMuiTheme from MUI.