A binary JSON encoding optimized for small storage size.
Fractured Binary JSON
A binary JSON encoding optimized for small storage size.
For more information, see here.
import { encode, decode, keysTableFromJson } from '@raiderb/frac_json';
// basic usage
const encodedObject = encode({ key1: "value" });
const decodedObject = decode(encodedObject);
// with compression
const largeObject = { /* ... */ };
const encodedObject2 = encode(largeObject, { compressionLevel: 3 });
// with keys table
const keysTable = keysTableFromJson(largeObject); // one time only, save this to a file
// const keysTable = keysTableFromKeys(["key", "key1", "key2", "key3"]); // or generate from keys
const encodedObject3 = encode(largeObject, { globalKeysTableBytes: keysTable });
// Encode a JSON object (object, array, string, number, boolean, null) to a Buffer.
function encode(
value: any,
encodeOptions?: EncodeOptions
): Buffer
interface EncodeOptions {
// bytes of an external keys table
// to generate a keys table from keys, use keysTableFromKeys or keysTableFromJson
globalKeysTableBytes?: Buffer
// compression level for zstandard. 1-22. Default is 3.
compressionLevel?: number
// pre trained zstandard dictionary
zstdDict?: Buffer
// Decode a Buffer to a JSON object (object, array, string, number, boolean, null).
function decode(
fracJsonBytes: Buffer,
decodeOptions?: DecodeOptions
): any
interface DecodeOptions {
// bytes of an external keys table
globalKeysTableBytes?: Buffer
// pre trained zstandard dictionary
zstdDict?: Buffer
// Generate a keys table from a list of unique keys.
// To improve performance during encoding, keys should be sorted by frequency of occurrence.
function keysTableFromKeys(
keys: Array<string>
): Buffer
// Generate a keys table from a JSON object.
function keysTableFromJson(
// object to recursively extract keys from
obj: any,
// maximum number of keys to extract
maxCount?: number,
// minimum number of occurrences for a key to be included
occurrenceCutoff?: number
): Buffer