tiny api routing library for aws lambda
galaxy 💫
Galaxy is a tiny routing framework for Nodejs and AWS Lambda λ;
Installing Galaxy
$ npm i @rahul_tripathi/galaxy
Using Galaxy
- Galaxy has three main route handlers (Galaxy , Stars , Moon) and Moon is the route handler which has the corresponding function
- The resolve function takes the event object as the parameter and passes that event object to the corresponding handler function along with params if they are present
- The params start with "$" and can be used any where
- creating a route path in galaxy
let galaxy = require('@rahul_tripathi/galaxy')
let apiRouter = galaxy.Galaxy('api') //initalize with /api endpoint
handler = (x)=>{return x}
let testRouter = galaxy.Star('test1') // create an intermediate router
testRouter.append(galaxy.Moon('hello', handler ,'GET'))
console.log(apiRouter.resolve({httpMethod :'GET',path:'/api/test1/hello'}))
- accepting params in galaxy
let galaxy = require('@rahul_tripathi/galaxy')
let apiRouter = galaxy.Galaxy('api') //initalize with /api endpoint
handler = (x)=>{return x}
apiRouter.append(galaxy.Moon('hello/$id/someother', handler,'GET')) //directly adding Moon to Galaxy is allowed
console.log(apiRouter.resolve({httpMethod : 'GET',path :'/api/hello/abc/mnop?abc=k'}))
//This Outputs
httpMethod: 'GET',
path: '/api/hello/abc/someother?abc=k',
params: { id: 'abc' }