Angular route reuse strategy infrastructure.
- Angular route reuse strategy infrastructure.
- The missing parts needed to make route reuse strategy viable.
- Instead of vendor router-outlet, import MountableModule in the AppModule and use mountable-router-outlet.
- On components(or directives) you want to be reused, apply the @Mountable() decorator.
- that makes them reused and provides two new lifecycle hooks: ngOnMount and ngOnUnmount, that are called when the component tree gets attached/detached to/from the outlet
- the root route components (ones you declare on the router configuration Route) require to have @Mountable() for their tree to be reused. On their descendants, @Mountable() has to be added only if you wish to hook into ngOnMount and ngOnUnmount.
- both ngOnMount and ngOnUnmount are called with one argument, namely StatefulNavigation extends Navigation { restoredState?: any } event that triggered the route change that attaches/detaches the component.
- Returning a subscription in ngOnMount will automatically unsubscribe from that subscription on Unmount, so it's handy to create all your subscriptions in ngOnMount and return them, so they will be created and unsubscribed through the lifecycle.