const filePath = await Ask.fileTree('A simple way to ask questions. Uses inquirer, integrates 10+ peer deps third party prompts.')
Console Input
- Based on inquirer.
- Includes a lot of optional extra prompts, if the relevant peerDependency is installed
- Main purpose is to fire 'one-off' questions like:
const path = await Input.fileTree('Select the file to delete', '/')
yarn add @radic/console-input
Third party prompts
Third party prompts are peerDependencies
so you'll have to install them yourself if you'd like to use em. Automatically integrated if installed.
- path: inquirer-path
- fuzzypath: inquirer-fuzzy-path
- directory: inquirer-directory
- autocomplete: inquirer-autocomplete-prompt
- datetime: inquirer-datepicker
- maxlength-input: @matti-o7/inquirer-maxlength-input-prompt
- file-path: inquirer-file-path
- file-tree-selection: inquirer-file-tree-selection-prompt
- file-selector: inquirer-file-selector-prompt
- color: inquirer-chalk-pipe
- suggest: inquirer-prompt-suggest
- table: inquirer-table-prompt
Full API
Created and/or modified all type definitions for each package it's options as can be checked in types/inquirer.d.ts
export declare class Input {
static get inquirer(): inquirer.Inquirer;
static get Separator(): typeof inquirer.Separator;
static get prompt(): inquirer.PromptModule;
static register(name: string, prompt: PromptConstructor): typeof Input;
static question(question: DistinctQuestion): Promise<any>;
static input(message: string, defaultValue?: string, question?: Partial<InputQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static color(message: string, defaultValue?: string, question?: Partial<ColorQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static suggest(message: string, suggestions: string[], defaultValue?: string, question?: Partial<SuggestQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static table(message: string, columns: TableQuestion['columns'], rows?: TableQuestion['rows'], defaultValue?: string, question?: Partial<TableQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static confirm(message: string, defaultValue?: boolean, question?: Partial<ConfirmQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static checkbox(message: string, choices: DistinctChoice<CheckboxChoiceMap>[], defaultChoice?: any, question?: Partial<CheckboxQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static list(message: string, choices: DistinctChoice<ListChoiceMap>[], defaultChoice?: any, question?: Partial<ListQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static autocomplete(message: string, source: (answersSoFar: Answers, input: string) => Promise<Array<string>>, question?: Partial<AutocompleteQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static datetime(message: string, question?: Partial<DatepickerQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static maxinputlength(message: string, maxLength: number, question?: Partial<MaxinputQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static path(message: string, question?: Partial<PathQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static directory(message: string, basePath?: string, question?: Partial<DirectoryQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static fuzzypath(message: string, def?: string, question?: Partial<FuzzypathQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static filePath(message: string, basePath?: string, question?: Partial<FilePathQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static fsTree(message: string, root?: string, question?: Partial<FileTreePathSelectorQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static fileTree(message: string, root?: string, question?: Partial<FileTreePathSelectorQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static directoryTree(message: string, root?: string, question?: Partial<FileTreePathSelectorQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static editorChoices: Array<{
name: string;
value: string;
static editorDefaultChoice: string;
static editor(message: string, question: Partial<EditorQuestion>): Promise<any>;
static edit(content: string, options?: IFileOptions): Promise<unknown>;
Some examples
if(await Input.confirm('Are you sure', true)){
let choice = await Input.checkbox('Pick your foods', ['apples','pears','bananas']);
let choice = await Input.checkbox('Pick your food', [
{ checked: true, key : 'apples', value : 'Apples', },
{ checked: true, key : 'cheese', value : 'Cheese', },
let files = await ask.filetree('Pick the files you wish to delete', '/path/to/root', {
multiple: true,
root: '/path/to/root' // you can override parameters again in the options if you'd like
files.forEach(filePath => rm('-rf', filePath))