Node wrapper for sqlcmd.
Node wrapper for the sqlcmd.
$ npm install sqlcmd-runner --save
A promise is returned and fulfilled when sqlcmd succeeds or rejected if it fails.
var sqlcmd = require('sqlcmd-runner');
sqlcmd({ ... })
.catch(function(error) { console.log('Failed: ' + error.message); })
.done(function() { console.log('Done.'); });
The folowing are the options supported by this module. These map directly to the sqlcmd
CLI parameters here.
// Specifies the instance of SQL ServerIt sets the sqlcmd scripting variable
// SQLCMDSERVER. Specify server_name to connect to the default instance of SQL Server
// on that server computer. Specify the server name and instance to connect to a named
// instance of SQL Server on that server. If no server is specified, sqlcmd connects
// to the default instance of SQL Server on the local computer. This option is required
// when you execute sqlcmd from a remote computer on the network. protocol can be
// tcp (TCP/IP), lpc (shared memory), or np (named pipes). If you do not specify a
// server name or instance name when you start sqlcmd, SQL Server checks for and uses
// the SQLCMDSERVER environment variable. (-S)
server: 'myserver' | {
name: 'myserver',
protocol: 'tcp|lpc|np',
instance: 'default',
port: 1433
// : Issues a USE db_name statement when you start sqlcmd. This option sets the sqlcmd
// scripting variable SQLCMDDBNAME. This specifies the initial database. The default is
// your login's default-database property. (-d)
database: 'dbname',
// Uses a trusted connection instead of using a user name and password to log on to
// SQL Server. By default, sqlcmd uses a trusted connection. This option ignores
// possible user name and password environment variable settings such as
trustedConnection: true|false,
// The user login ID. If neither the username or password are specified, sqlcmd tries to
// connect by using Microsoft Windows Authentication mode. Authentication is based on
// the Windows account of the user who is running sqlcmd. (-U)
// The user-specified password. Passwords are case sensitive. If the username is
// specified but not the password, and the SQLCMDPASSWORD environment variable
// has not been set, sqlcmd prompts the user for a password. (-P)
password: 'p@$$w0rd',
// Logs in to SQL Server with a Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC). This kind of
// connection is used to troubleshoot a server. This will only work with server
// computers that support DAC. If DAC is not available, sqlcmd generates an error
// and then exits. (-A)
dedicatedAdminConnection: true|false,
// This switch is used by the client to configure it to implicitly trust the server
// certificate without validation. This option is equivalent to the ADO.NET option
trustServerCert: true|false,
// Specifies the number of seconds before a sqlcmd login to the ODBC driver times out
// when you try to connect to a server. This option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable
// SQLCMDLOGINTIMEOUT. The default time-out for login to sqlcmd is eight seconds. The
// login time-out must be a number between 0 and 65534. A value of 0 specifies
// time-out to be infinite. (-l)
loginTimeout: 30,
// A workstation name. This option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDWORKSTATION.
// The workstation name is listed in the hostname column of the sys.processes catalog
// view and can be returned using the stored procedure sp_who. If this option is not
// specified, the default is the current computer name. This name can be used to
// identify different sqlcmd sessions. (-H)
workstationName: 'hostname',
// Declares the application workload type when connecting to a server. The only
// currently supported value is ReadOnly. If this is not specified, the sqlcmd utility
// will not support connectivity to a secondary replica in an AlwaysOn
/// availability group. (-K)
applicationIntent: 'ReadOnly',
// Always specify this option when connecting to the availability group listener of a
// SQL Server availability group or a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance. This
// option provides for faster detection of and connection to the (currently) active
// server. If this option is not specified, it is off. (-M)
multisubnetFailover: true|false,
// This switch is used by the client to request an encrypted connection. (-N)
encryptedConnection: true|false,
// Change a password. (-Z)
newPassword: 'p@$$w0rd'
// Identifies the file that contains a batch of SQL statements or stored procedures.
// Multiple files may be specified that will be read and processed in order. sqlcmd will
// first check to see whether all the specified files exist. If one or more files do
// not exist, sqlcmd will exit. Cannot be used in conjunction with a query.
// NOTE: Forward slashes are automatically converted to back slashes. (-i)
inputFiles: ['path/to/input1', 'path/to/input2'],
// Identifies the file that receives output from sqlcmd. If unicode is specified, the
// output_file is stored in Unicode format. sqlcmd does not support concurrent writing
// of multiple sqlcmd processes to the same file. The file output will be corrupted or
// incorrect. See the codepage for more information about file formats. This file will
// be created if it does not exist. A file of the same name from a prior sqlcmd session
// will be overwritten. The file specified here is not the stdout file. If a stdout file
// is specified this file will not be used. (-o)
// NOTE: Forward slashes are automatically converted to back slashes.
outputFile: 'path/to/output',
// Specifies the input and output code pages. The codepage number is a numeric value
// that specifies an installed Windows code page.
// Code-page conversion rules:
// If no code pages are specified, sqlcmd will use the current code page for both input
// and output files, unless the input file is a Unicode file, in which case no
// conversion is required. sqlcmd automatically recognizes both big-endian and
// little-endian Unicode input files. If the unicodeOutput option has been specified,
// the output will always be little-endian Unicode. If no output file is specified, the
// output code page will be the console code page. This enables the output to be
// displayed correctly on the console. Multiple input files are assumed to be of the
// same code page. Unicode and non-Unicode input files can be mixed.
// Accepts either a string with the codepage for both input and output files or an
// object with seperate codepages for input and output. (-f)
codepage: '65001' | {
// Input files codepage.
input: '65001',
// Output file codepage.
output: '65001'
// Redirects the error message output to the screen (stderr). When enabled, only error
// messages that have a severity level of 11 or higher are redirected. By default
// messages are sent to stdout. (-r)
errorRedirection: true | {
// All error message output, regardless of severity level, including PRINT is
// redirected. Has no effect if you specify an output file. (-r1)
all: true|false
// Causes sqlcmd to localize numeric, currency, date, and time columns retrieved from
// SQL Server based on the client’s locale. By default, these columns are displayed
// using the server’s regional settings. (-R)
localizeResults: true|false,
// Specifies that output_file is stored in Unicode format, regardless of the format of
// input_file. (-u)
unicodeOutput: true|false
Query Execution
// Executes a query when sqlcmd starts and then immediately exits sqlcmd. Multiple-
// semicolon-delimited queries can be executed. Use quotation marks around the query,
// as shown in the following example. Do not use the GO terminator in the query. (-Q)
query: 'SELECT * FROM Users',
// Creates a sqlcmdscripting variable that can be used in a sqlcmd script. (-v)
variables: {
name: 'value',
// Specifies the number of seconds before a command (or SQL statement) times out. This
// option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDSTATTIMEOUT. If a time_out value is
// not specified, the command does not time out. The query time_out must be a number
// between 1 and 65534. The actual time out value may vary from the specified time_out
// value by several seconds. (-t)
queryTimeout: 30,
// Writes input scripts to the standard output device (stdout). (-e)
printInputScripts: true|false,
// Sets the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER connection option to ON. By default,
// it is set to OFF. (-I)
quoteIdentifier: true|false,
// Causes sqlcmd to ignore scripting variables. This is useful when a script contains
// many INSERT statements that may contain strings that have the same format as regular
// variables, such as $(variable_name). (-x)
ignoreVariables: true|false
// Specifies the number of rows to print between the column headings. The default is to
// print headings one time for each set of query results. This option sets the sqlcmd
// scripting variable SQLCMDHEADERS. Use -1 to specify that headers must
// not be printed. (-h)
headers: 1,
// Removes all control characters, such as tabs and new line characters from the output.
// This preserves column formatting when data is returned. (-k)
removeControlChars: true | {
// Control characters are replaced by a single space. (-k1)
single: true|false,
// Consecutive control characters are replaced by a single space. (-k2)
consecutive: true|false,
// Specifies the column-separator character. The default is a blank space. This option
// sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDCOLSEP. To use characters that have special
// meaning to the operating system such as the ampersand (&), or semicolon (;), enclose
// the character in quotation marks ("). The column separator can be any
// 8-bit character. (-s)
columnSeperator: ';',
// Specifies the screen width for output. This option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable
// SQLCMDCOLWIDTH. The column width must be a number greater than 8 and less than 65536.
// If the specified column width does not fall into that range, sqlcmd generates and
// error message. The default width is 80 characters. When an output line exceeds the
// specified column width, it wraps on to the next line. (-w)
columnWidth: 10,
// This option removes trailing spaces from a column. Use this option together with the
// columnSeperator option when preparing data that is to be exported to another
// application. Cannot be used with the display width options. (-W)
removeTrailingSpaces: true|false,
// Sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDMAXFIXEDTYPEWIDTH. The default is 256. It
// limits the number of characters that are returned for large variable length types:
// varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, UDT, text, ntext and image
// UDTs can be of fixed length depending on the implementation. If this length of a
// fixed length UDT is shorter that display_width, the value of the UDT returned is
// not affected. However, if the length is longer than display_width, the output is
// truncated. If display_width is 0, the output is truncated at 1 MB. Specify 0 with
// extreme caution because it may cause serious performance issues on both the server
// and the network, depending on the size of data returned. (-y)
variableLengthDisplayWidth: 200,
// Sets the sqlcmd scripting variable SQLCMDMAXVARTYPEWIDTH. The default is 0
// (unlimited). Limits the number of characters that are returned for the
// following data types: char(1-8000), nchar(1-4000), varchar(1-8000),
// nvarchar(1-4000), varbinary(1-8000). (-Y)
fixedLengthDisplayWidth: 200
Error Reporting
// Specifies that sqlcmd exits and returns a DOS ERRORLEVEL value when an error occurs.
// The value that is returned to the DOS ERRORLEVEL variable is 1 when the SQL Server
// error message has a severity level greater than 10; otherwise, the value returned
// is 0. If the severity level has been set in addition to this, sqlcmd will not report
// an error if the severity level is lower than the level configured. Command prompt
// batch files can test the value of ERRORLEVEL and handle the error appropriately.
// sqlcmd does not report errors for severity level 10 (informational messages).
// If the sqlcmd script contains an incorrect comment, syntax error, or is missing a
// scripting variable, ERRORLEVEL returned is 1. (-b)
failOnSqlErrors: true|false,
// Controls which error messages are sent to stdout. Messages that have a severity level
// greater than or equal to this level are sent. When this value is set to -1, all
// messages including informational messages, are sent. This option also sets the sqlcmd
// scripting variable SQLCMDERRORLEVEL. This variable has a default of 0. (-m)
errorLevel: 1,
// Controls the severity level that is used to set the ERRORLEVEL variable. Error
// messages that have severity levels greater than or equal to this value set
// ERRORLEVEL. Values that are less than 0 are reported as 0. Batch and CMD files can
// be used to test the value of the ERRORLEVEL variable. (-V)
errorSeverityLevel: 1
// Requests a packet of a different size. This option sets the sqlcmd scripting variable
// SQLCMDPACKETSIZE. packet_size must be a value between 512 and 32767. The default =
// 4096. A larger packet size can enhance performance for execution of scripts that have
// lots of SQL statements between GO commands. You can request a larger packet size.
// However, if the request is denied, sqlcmd uses the server default for
// packet size. (-a)
packetSize: 512,
// Specifies the batch terminator. By default, commands are terminated and sent to SQL
// Server by typing the word "GO" on a line by itself. When you reset the batch
// terminator, do not use Transact-SQL reserved keywords or characters that have special
// meaning to the operating system, even if they are preceded by a backslash. (-c)
batchTerminator: 'GO',
// Prints performance statistics for every result set. (-p)
perfStats: true | {
// Indicates that performance stats should be comma seperated. (-p1)
colonSeperated: true|false
// Disables the ED and !! commands as they might compromise system security when sqlcmd
// is executed from a batch file. The disabled commands are still recognized; sqlcmd
// issues a warning messageand continues. It prevents environment variables from being
// passed on to sqlcmd. It also prevents the startup script specified by using the
// SQLCMDINI scripting variable from being executed. (-X)
enhancedSecurity: true | {
// sqlcmd generates an error message and then exits. (-X1)
failOnErrors: true|false
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